Referee and Inspector for Industry Projects
08/2005 – Present
Works as referee and inspector for industry projects.
Reviews project proposals, interviews with project teams at
their locations, and prepares reports for the TÜBİTAK-TEYDEB
decision process for funding national and international
projects submitted by industry companies including Aselsan,
Vestel, Beko, Koç.net, Karel, Sampaş, İnnova, ITD, RDlab,
Telekurye, Pozitron, … (37 projects refereed, 8 projects
inspected, as of 9/2016). |
Cloud Computing and Big Data
Research Laboratory and National Search Engine Projects
B3Lab: http://b3lab.org
Consultant to the President / Institute Director and Project
03/2013 – 12/2014
Consulted the Institute Director and Project Teams on cloud
computing, software engineering and project management at
TÜBİTAK BİLGEM-BTE *. New parallel distributed systems
development paradigms and technologies such as map reduce
programming model, Hadoop and its ecosystem for big data
processing and search engine technologies. Worked, advised,
gave seminars on research and development problems for the
construction of the national data center, and IaaS and PaaS
infrastructures in these projects. |
TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM Institutes Reorganization
TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM, Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey,
Consultant to the Institute Director and Technical Teams
01/2012 – 02/2013
Consulted the Institute Director
and Project Teams on software engineering management, research and
development organization structures and processes suitable for
TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM during the reorganization process of TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM
Institutes in 2012. Helped to discover new ways to improve product
development processes in this era of faster, cheaper and better.
Interviewed with project
teams, wrote reports for advising and giving recommendations
to upper management, developed knowledge areas maps for
domain experts in CS, CENG, and SENG fields in Information
Technologies Institute and Turkey. |
TÜBİTAK–TEYDEB, Ankara, Turkey,
Executive Committee Member
6/2012 – 6/2014Worked
to evaluate IT projects proposed by companies in Turkey,
decide funding the projects and assign referees and
inspectors from universities and industry to accepted
projects in the TEYDEB-BİLTEG* Executive Committee for 2
years. The committee come together about 2 times, and
evaluated about 40 projects per month. Totally about 1000
projects were assessed within 2 years. |
Research Projects at NetSE
Networking and Software Engineering (NetSE) Lab
Primary Investigator and Researcher
9/2002 – 7/2016
Worked as primary investigator and researcher at NetSE Lab
in 3 universities since 2002. The NetSELab research team’s
projects span cloud computing, data science, distributed
systems, mobile and wireless systems, pervasive computing,
new networking paradigms, and software engineering. The
outcomes of this NetSE Lab were senior design projects,
master theses, projects, academic journal papers and
conference proceedings. NetSE web site:
http://www.gumuskaya.com/Research/NetSE.htm |
Design and Construction of
Fundamental Computer Hardware Engineering Laboratories
Gediz University, Department of Computer Engineering, Izmir
9/2011 – 9/2013
Founded 3 Fundamental
Computer Hardware Engineering Laboratories, and developed
the first contents of lectures and laboratories, and taught
the lectures based on these laboratories.
Logic Circuits and Computer
Design Lab allows students to design and construct logic
circuits and components using discrete integrated circuit,
FPGAs and CAD tools in the COM 251 Logic Design and Circuits
and COM 252 Computer Organization courses. The laboratory
work in COM 251 is performed using multiple platforms. The
first platform is to use breadboards and simple digital ICs.
The second platform is circuit simulation environments such
Logisim and NI Multisim. The third platform is to use a HDL
such as Verilog or VHDL to describe logic designs and then
synthesize the HDL code on the Digilent FPGA card BASYS 2.
The students design a 32-bit microprocessor in the COM 252
using design, simulation and implementation tools, Logisim,
ModelSim, SPIM: A MIPS32 simulator, Xilinx tools, and a
Digilent FPGA card.
Microprocessors and Embedded
Systems Lab is used to teach the fundamentals of
microprocessor-based systems in the COM 353 Microprocessors
course. The experiments provide the students to learn the
assembly programming of the 16-bit and 32-bit Intel x86
Family and Pentium Microprocessors, including addressing
modes, instruction types, and the applications and
interfacing of microprocessor systems. The COM 320 Embedded
Systems course provides students with hands-on experience
with building, programming, testing, and debugging
microprocessor, microcontroller and FPGA-based systems.
UNI-DS6 educational boards are used to teach 8051, PIC and
ARM processors and their interfacing.
Computer Networks Lab is
used to teach TCP/IP protocols and data communication to
students, and to give them hands-on experience on
networking. The lab has a modular Internet rack having 2 x
Cisco Catalyst 2960-24 Port Layer-2 Switch, 2 x Cisco
Catalyst 3560-24 Port Layer-3 Switch ve Cisco 2900 Router. |
Design, Implementation and
Performance Analysis of High Performance Telerobotic Systems
Using Real Time Communication Protocols on Wireless Networks
TÜBİTAK Project, EEEAG 108E091
Fatih University, Department of Computer Engineering,
Researcher (with Prof. Dr. Onur Toker, Project Manager)
9/2008 – 9/2010
Worked as researcher with Prof. Dr. Onur Toker in the
TÜBİTAK, EEEAG 108E91 project. The main goal of this project
was to design, implement and performance analysis of high
performance telerobotic system architectures using real time
communication protocols on wireless networks.
Telerobotics can be defined
as the control of robot arms from a remote location. In a
telerobotic system, there is a robot arm to be controlled
which is identified as the “slave arm”, and a remote
operator at a distant location using a robotic manipulator
which is called the “master arm”. In control system
measurements actuator delays do degrade system performance.
Therefore, communication delays between the master and slave
arms and their minimization are of extreme importance in
We first developed a new
wireless communication protocol, Lightweight Wireless
Protocol (LWP), designed on top the 802.11 MAC layer. This
low-delay wireless LWP protocol was implemented on an
embedded system (Airdrop-LWP)
without an operating system and its associated overhead.
Finally, two Airdrop-LWP embedded systems running this
low-delay wireless LWP protocol were used to build a
telerobotic system with a
Mitsubishi RV-2AJ
industrial robot. The LWP protocol was also tested on a
robot car
controlled by an AirDrop-LWP card as a slave arm and a
standard PC as a master arm. The key features of LWP are
reduced packet size, simple protocol stack, predictive
compression of operator movements, and prediction of lost
data packets. The LWP protocol was compared with TCP/IP
suite of protocols, and when compared with UDP significant
performance improvements are observed: Up to 50% reduced
delay, and an additional 20% lower delay via compression.
Variation in packet delay times is also an important
parameter for the wireless control system. As the standard
deviation of packet delay times increase, and become less
and less predictable, the resulting telerobotic system will
be more and more difficult to operate. We measured the
standard deviation of packet delays, and observed that it
increases with the packet size, and this increase is faster
than the increase in mean packet delay. |
National Railway Signalling
Solutions for Istanbul Urban Rail Transportation Systems
Metro Istanbul (İstanbul ULAŞIM A.Ş.) (Istanbul
Transportation Company)
Consultant to the General Manager and Project Teams
9/2008 – 4/2009
Served as consultant to the
General Manager and Project Teams at Metro Istanbul.
Railway Signalling is a complex and fascinating research
and development area in railways. The purpose of a
signalling system is to facilitate the safe and efficient
movement of trains on the railway. Two major worldwide
markets in railways are Main Line Railways and Urban Rail
Transportation Systems (Metro,
LRT (Light Rail
Tramway). This project investigates all aspects of
railway signalling systems for İstanbul Urban Rail Systems
to design and develop national signalling solutions. The
initial target of the project is to build the research and
development infrastructure (signalling literature and
information infrastructure, railway signalling lab
requirements, development team, team processes and dynamics,
...) and to produce the first road map, some technical blue
prints, requirements analysis and system architecture design
documents, and railway signalling simulator programs.
Framework for Context-Aware
Pervasive Systems (FCAPSYS)
Fatih University-Research Fund Project, P50050702
Project Manager
6/2007 – 6/2008
Worked as project manager (primary investigator and
researcher) in this funded research project. A framework for
a context-aware system over pervasive wireless networks was
developed for a university campus. The basic aim was the
development of a real-time distributed system architecture,
based on novel protocols and applications targeted for
indoor and outdoor context-aware computing. In this project,
we explored new ways of enabling and exploiting new
pervasive wireless connectivity and positioning solutions
for a university campus. The pervasive wireless networks
were constructed with small wireless devices, real-time
indoor and outdoor location-infrastructures such as 802.11
access points and GPS (Global Positioning System). GPS gives
the outdoor position information for mobile users having
GPS-enabled handheld Pocket PCs. The 802.11 infrastructure,
besides wireless network access, was also used for finding
locations of mobile users in the campus area. |
KOSGEB Projects
Fatih University, Istanbul
Consultant and Referee
6/2004 – 6/2008
Consulted the following companies:
• Birinci Bilgi Sistemleri, Printing House Management System
Automation, 12/2005 – 4/2006
• Nilaccra, Design and Development of a Framework for ERP,
9/2004 – 3/2005
• Pozitron, Fax Automation, 6/2004 – 10/2004
• …. |
Project Management Processes
Improvement at BELBİM
BELBİM (Istanbul
Municipalities Data Processing Industry & Trade Inc.)
Consultant to Project Teams
7/2006 – 10/2006
Consulted the Project Teams on project management,
administrative and technical management processes at BELBİM.
Organization structure and processes, development team
models, software development and project management
processes, standards and documents. |
New Generation
Microprocessor-Based Traffic Junction Control Unit
ISBAK (Istanbul
Municipalities Transportation Maintenance Industries and
Trade Inc., Istanbul, Turkey, )
Consultant to the General Manager and Project Teams
8/2005 – 3/2006
Consulted the General
Manager and Project Teams at ISBAK. Worked on the design,
and processor and software tools selection problems for a
new generation microprocessor-based traffic junction control
unit which would replace old PLC-based control units in
Istanbul. The following processor families and their
development tools were studied and evaluated for the target
control unit design: Ubicom 2K and 3K processors, Dallas
TINI Chip Set and ARM processors. He also gave lectures on
object-oriented analysis, design, and programming using Java
and UML. |
Design and Construction of a
Network Lab
Fatih University, Department of Computer Engineering
4/2005 – 8/2005
Founded the first hardware lab in the Department of Computer
Engineering at Fatih University. The Network Lab has two
main labs: Computer Networks
Lab and Wireless
Networks Lab. The Network Lab is mainly for
undergraduate students but it is also used for some advanced
network research studies by graduate students and
researchers. This is the first university network lab in its
class in Turkey.
Here is
an interview
about the Computer Networks and Wireless Networks
Laboratories at the Fatih University.
Computer Networks
Lab is a miniature version of the Internet. The
available equipment is sufficient to emulate many traffic
scenarios found on the real Internet and to teach TCP/IP
protocols and data communication to students, and to give
them hands-on experience on networking.
The lab has
modular Internet rack
equipment. Each rack has 4 Cisco 2811 Integrated Services
Routers, a 24-port 3Com (or CISCO) switch, 4 computers as
internet hosts in experiments, 4 Ethernet hubs, 1 KVM switch
and its set (LCD monitor, keyboard, and mouse), cables and
connectors. There are also 4 Internet computers with each
rack equipment unit.
One set of
rack equipment is used by 4 students in lab experiments.
There are 6 racks in the lab; and since the design of the
lab is modular and scalable, it can be easily extended if it
is needed in the future.
Wireless Networks Lab
has 2 Internet racks,
8 Internet computers, 3 notebooks, indoor and outdoor Access
Points (such as Cisco Aironet 1100) and antennas, an ADSL
network connection and an USRobotics ADSL wireless modem
supporting 802.11 abg/n, mobile devices supporting GSM, GPRS,
EGDE, UMTS, GPS, 802.11abg/n and Bluetooth wireless
technologies. Some of the mobile devices: Pocket PCs (IPAQs,
hw6515, hw6915, h6340), Asus MyPal A636N, smart mobile
phones (2 SonyEricsson P990), Sensors Networks Teaching Lab
Equipment (Crossbow Mote Sensor Kits), Dallas DS80C400
(DSTINIm400) Networked Microcontroller Evaluation Kits,
wireless development kits… |
Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) Project
Europe Software, Istanbul
Consultant to the General Manager and Project Teams
Served as Consultant to the
General Manager and Project Teams. Consultant and mentor on
organization structure and processes, technologies, project
management and software development processes, enterprise
system architectures.
He made contributions to the
following main areas for a new start-up company from the
beginning: Organization structure and processes, interviews,
technologies and tools, team models, software life cycle
activities, software development and project management
processes, standards and documents. He also gave seminars on
object-oriented analysis and design using Design Patterns,
UML and Java.
Consultancy on Enterprise
and ERP applications such as Supply Chain Management, Human
Resources and Product Management, and Banking applications.
The following were the general problems in these
applications: How to layer an enterprise application, how to
organize domain logic (i.e.: Security Layer, Service Layer,
Data Model), how to tie that logic to a relational database,
how to design a web based presentation, decisions in
distributed design, and handling transactions. JSF,
Hibernate, and Spring Framework are some of the new
technologies used at Europe Software. |
Automatic Sales Machine and
Ticket Sales Machine Projects
BELBİM (Istanbul
Municipalities Data Processing Industry & Trade Inc.)
Consultant to Project Teams
Consulted the project teams for system architecture,
technologies and software development processes at BELBİM.
The AKBIL (Smart Ticket) System developed by BELBIM for
public transportation is the biggest integrated electronic
ticket system in the world. It has become possible more than
5.000.000 habitants of Istanbul to travel with only one
single ticket in 15 separate organizations and 19 kinds of
different vehicles. This project was entirely designed and
produced by Turkish engineers without getting any loan and
This is a reengineering
project which re-designs and re-implements the existing
Automatic Sales Machine (ASM) and Ticket Sales Machine (TSM)
parts of the AKBIL system using Java technologies, new
development tools and processes. These two systems are
basically ticket loading systems and do the similar jobs.
The ASM has no sales person; it uses a banknote accepter to
get the user’s cache, whereas the TSM is used by a sales
officer and has many complicated operations for ticket
The ASM system has a
personal computer (PC), a banknote accepter (BNA), a TOM
(Touch On Memory) Read/Write circuit, a monitor, a Vacuum
Fluorescent Display (VFD), a printer, other hardware
components and a power supply. The BNA, TOM R/W circuit, and
VFD are connected to the serial ports of the PC. The TSM
system has all these hardware components except BNA.
The analysis, design, and
implementation of the new system were started and completed
using UML and an agile software development process. The
Java programming language and Borland JBuilder development
platform were used in the implementation. The Borland
Together was used as the UML modeling and documentation
tool. |
Data Transfer and Automatic
Integration Projects
BELBİM (Istanbul
Municipalities Data Processing Industry & Trade Inc.)
Consultant to Project Teams
5/2003 –12/2003
Consulted the project teams for system architecture,
technologies and software development processes at BELBİM.
The AKBIL data (like sales reports) produced by many
different vehicles in Istanbul transportation are collected
by modems and processed at the BELBIM Data Processing Center
every day. The statistical and financial reports are
produced and sent to many organizations of Istanbul at a
daily basis.
The data transfer program
basically gets and writes raw reports (files collected by
modems from different sources) to database tables and
related directories on the file servers according to their
file types. The automatic integration program reads
preprocessed files from their directories and start further
processing and database operations.
These two projects are
reengineering projects which re-design and re-implement the
existing data transfer and file processing units of the
AKBIL system using new technologies, development tools and
processes. The analysis, design, and implementation of the
new systems were started and completed using UML and an
agile software development process. The C# programming
language, Visual Studio.NET development platform, and MS SQL
Server were used in the implementation. The Borland Together
was used as the UML modeling and documentation tool. |
IP Crypto Devices Management
Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey
Project Manager, System Architect
5/1999 – 7/2002
Worked as Project Manager and System Architect at
TÜBİTAK-UEKAE. A management center and special agent
software for IP crypto devices were designed and developed.
These devices are the products of the National Research
Institute of Electronics and Cryptology (UEKAE) and used to
form VPNs (Virtual Private Network). The management center
software is based on Java RMI technology and runs on the HP
OpenView network management platform. The management agent
was developed using the C programming language. The
communication between the management center and the crypto
devices is performed by SNMP messages. The five management
functions of network management (Fault, Configuration,
Account(Asset), Performance and Security (FCAPS) management)
were implemented for IP crypto devices.
Dr. Gümüşkaya was the chief
software architect on network management and Java network
programming technologies. He also made contributions to the
representation of Turkey in the NATO INFOSEC Working Group
during this project. |
Institute and Project
Management Processes Improvement at TÜBİTAK-UEKAE
Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey
Project Manager
8/2000 –12/2001
Worked in various institute process improvement teams as
Project Manager at TÜBİTAK-UEKAE. Research on administrative
and technical management processes which would be applied in
an R&D institution, active participation to UEKAE process
improvement meetings, preparation long presentations and
process documents which would be used in the institute. In
this scope, research studies were conducted on various
software development and project management processes,
starting from CMM, IEEE, SPICE, and present new “agile”
methodologies like XP (Extreme Programming). Some processes
and documents which could be used especially in software
projects were produced. |
TAFICS (Turkish Armed Forces
Integrated Communication System) Electronic Key Management
System (TELAYS)
Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey
Project Member, System Architect
5/1997 – 5/1999
Worked as project member and system architect at
TÜBİTAK-UEKAE. TCP sockets-based large distributed network
software which run on a Turkish military TCP/IP network
having SUN Enterprise/Ultra Solaris/UNIX and PC Windows NT
computers in a large geographical area in Turkey was
developed by a very large project team. This was the first
large software development project in many aspects in
Turkey. The main system at the crypto key production and
distribution center was built on top of Java and SDL
technologies. This system produces electronic keys and
distributes these keys to the remote crypto equipment in a
wide area network located in Turkey. Dr. Gümüşkaya was the
chief software architect on Java network programming
technologies. This project lasted about 7 years and employed
more than hundred software and hardware developers. |
Electronic Electricity Meter
ELKOSİS-Federal Elektrik, Gebze-Kocaeli
Co-founder, Software Projects Manager, System and Software
9/1995 – 12/1996
Worked as Co-founder, Software Projects Manager, System and
Software Architect at ELKOSİS. A new electronic electricity
meter device prototype having prepayment feature with its
smart card and its PC program were developed for Federal
Elektrik for the Turkish market. The design and the
development of the electricity meter requirements and
analysis of existing systems in terms of hardware and
software solutions were performed. The TI MSP 430 based
hardware including current and voltage sensors, infrared
communication, smart card interface, keyboard, LCD display
were implemented. A Windows GUI application and a database
program were developed using Delphi and Interbase for
electricity meter user accounts and operations. The user and
electricity usage information which were entered on the PC
was downloaded to the smart card via a smart card interface
circuit designed for the PC. The meter worked with this
card. |
AdEPar (Advanced
Educational Parallel) DSP Software Environment
Uludağ University, Electronics Engineering Department
System Architect, Software Engineer
9/1994 – 4/1995
Worked as System Architect, Software Engineer in the
Department of Electronics Engineering at Uludağ University.
Dr. Gümüşkaya, as part of his Ph. D. study, developed a
block diagram based object oriented Digital Signal
Processing (DSP) software environment using Borland 3.1 OWL
(Object Windows Library). The DSP algorithms which are in
the form of LGDF (Large Grain Data Flow) graphs or ADF
(Atomic Data Flow) graphs (digital filters) can described in
this environment. The algorithms are simulated using the
program. The program distributes the tasks of a real-time
DSP algorithm graph to the processing elements and generates
a parallel C or assembly code for the target TMS320C25
processors. |
Parallel Hardware Debugger
for a Dual Processor Based DSP System Real-Time Control and
Digital Signal Processing Applications
Uludağ University, Electronics Engineering Department
TÜBİTAK-Marmara Research Center (MAM), Electronic Department
System Architect, Software Engineer
9/1993 – 4/1994
Worked as System Architect,
Software Engineer in the Department of Electronics
Engineering at Uludağ University. A hardware debugger
program was developed using the Borland 3.1 Turbo Vision C++
objects for the dual-processor parallel DSP (TMS32C25)
system which was designed and produced at the Electronics
Department of the Scientific and Technical Research Council
of Turkey-Marmara Research Center (TÜBİTAK-MAM). |
Development of Digital
Signal/Image Processing Applications
TÜBİTAK-Marmara Research Center (MAM), Electronic Department
Consultant to Project Teams and Software Developer
9/1992 – 12/1995
Worked as Consultant to Project Teams and Software Developer
at TÜBİTAK-Marmara Research Center, Electronic Department.
Various projects on hardware and software engineering,
digital signal/image processing. Different microprocessors,
microcontrollers, special purpose processors like TMS
320C25/30 DSP processors, PC data acquisition and I/O boards
were designed, constructed and used in various projects.
C/C++ and assembly languages were used. The projects were
for mostly academic purposes, and resulted in journal and
conference papers. |
Foundation of Computer Aided
Electronics Design (BilDET) Lab
Uludağ University, Department of Electronics Engineering
Founder and Mentor for BilDET Students
9/1990 – 2/1995
Founded BilDET (Computer
Aided Electronics Design) Lab for undergraduate and graduate
students, and formed a student research team. BilDET
students received many national prizes, found good jobs in
high-tech companies, and some of them continued their
education abroad getting scholarships and assistantships.
BilDET students also contributed to the national and
international academic papers.
The prizes received by
BilDET students from TÜBİTAK student projects competition in
engineering field were: an encouragement prize in 1990, the
second prize in 1991, the first prize in 1992, and the
project support money prize in 1993. The students also
received some special prizes in the ceremony performed at
the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture.
One of Dr. Gümüşkaya’s
BilDET students received the big prize given by PC World
magazine for the Electronics Circuit Simulation program
running under Windows in 1994. The program was developed by
his supervision. The prize was a trip to Microsoft
facilities located at Seattle, USA. This BilDET laboratory
was closed by a Professor who was in the department in 1995…
Intel 196KC Microcontroller
Based Electric Wending Machine
Uludağ University, Electronic Engineering Department –
MİSTAŞ A.Ş., Bursa
System Architect, Electronics Engineer
3/1992 – 9/1992
Worked as System Architect
and Electronics Engineer. An electronic wending machine
control unit was developed with a joint work of the
Electronics Department of Uludağ University and MİSTAŞ A.Ş
in Bursa. In the project, the 16-bit Intel 196KC
microcontroller was used as the main processor in the
control unit. |
Galaxy Hardware Description
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Electrical and Computer
Eng. Dept.
Software Engineer
9/1988 – 12/1989
Developed the Galaxy
Hardware Description Language (GHDL) as part of his master
study. GHDL was used in the University of Wisconsin-Madison
and in many US universities, and also become a commercial
GHDL was one of the tools of
the Galaxy CAD Environment which was developed by Dr. Beetem
and his students. Galaxy was developed especially for
digital circuit simulation and it was also the name of a
high level programming language developed by Dr. Beetem.
Digital circuits in the Galaxy CAD Environment were
described as hierarchical by using Dr. Gümüşkaya’s program.
The output of the program was a file having circuit
components and a netlist. The structure of this file was in
the Galaxy common data structure representation form and
could be used by other simulation programs in the Galaxy CAD
Environment. The user described signals and their timing for
circuits by using another Galaxy program after describing
his circuit by GHDL. |