Ankageo, İstanbul
December/2017 – Present
 | Serves as Consultant to
the Technical Manager and Project Teams at Ankageo.
 | Gives consultancy
services and seminars on Artificial Intelligence and
Software Engineering. |
 | Initiated activities
and started to produce some documents and guidelines for
2 projects, Panoramic Cloud and Video Detector, to
improve organization Project Management, Support and
Software Engineering processes based on TS ISO/IEC 15504
 | Conducted research on
Deep Learning frameworks, Video Object Detectors and
Artificial Intelligence algorithms, and deeply worked on
Tensorflow. Prepared the first blueprints to determine
the technologies, Deep Learning frameworks and Machine
Learning algorithms that would be used in the Video
Detector project.
August/2016 – Present
 | Providing consultancy
services for software companies and IT departments of
large organizations in the areas of Software
Engineering, CMMI or TS ISO/IEC 15504 SPICE based
process improvement, project management, R&D
organization and team structures, leadership, and
teamwork. |
 | Providing expertise and
technical services to a wide range of industrial
organizations on artificial intelligence, machine
learning, business intelligence, business analytics,
data mining, cloud computing and big data, IT cloud
infrastructure design, and business process
Teracity Yazılım Teknolojileri, Bursa
February/2017 – December/2017
 | Titled as Deputy
General Manager, responsible for R&D projects.
 | Served as Consultant
and Trainer for the implementation of Software
Engineering principles and TS ISO/IEC 15504 SPICE to the
software projects developed at Teracity. |
 | Organized Software
Engineering activities to improve organization Project
Management, Support and Software Engineering processes
based on TS ISO/IEC 15504 SPICE. This was a one-year
process improvement project supported by KOSGEB to get a
certificate after completion of all requirements for
SPICE Level 2. The 4-day long SPICE assessment was
successfully completed, and Teracity received the SPICE
certificate in November 2017. |
 | Prepared a KOSGEB
project: “ARGE Merkezleri için Yeni Nesil Yönetim Bilgi
Sistemi Bilimp v 2.0”. The KOSGEB project was accepted
and started. The project will deliver the first
interactive user interface functions such as 3D talking
face, 3D holographic interfaces, robot visitor
management system, work information input with voice,
voice user alerts and guiding, and biometric user
interface such as face recognition. These new additions
will provide the required I/O functions for the
Artificial Intelligence based future version.
 | Conducted research and
prepared the first blueprints to determine the
technologies, scenarios, and uses cases, and developed
business and technical requirements for Artificial
Intelligence, Machine Learning and Cloud based new
generation projects. Gave seminars on Artificial
Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining.
 | Got involved in the
TÜBİTAK TEYDEB project and R&D Center yearly assessment
meetings to present the projects to referees.
Contributed to the System/User Requirements and System
Architecture of an International TUBITAK project.
* Teracity is a “Software R&D Center”, which has been
approved by the Ministry of Science, Industry and
Technology since 2015 and continuously audited under Law
No. 5746.
Consultant to the General
Manager and Project Teams
Teracity Yazılım Teknolojileri, Bursa
November/2016 – December/2016
 | Served as Consultant to
the General Manager and Project Teams at Teracity. |
 | Gave seminars on
Software Engineering fundamentals. |
 | Initiated activities to
improve organization Project Management, Support and
Software Engineering processes based on TS ISO/IEC 15504
Professor, Head of
Gediz University, Computer Engineering Department, İzmir,
September/2010 – July/2016
 | Served as Head of
Department, Computer Engineering, 9/2010 – 7/2016.
 | Served as a member of
- Engineering Faculty: Executive Board, 1/2011 –
10/2014; Board, 9/2011 – 7/2016.
- Institute Executive Board, The Institute for Graduate
Studies in Sciences and Engineering, 12/2010 – 6/2013,
and Institute Board, 9/2010 – 7/2016. |
 | Served to open 30%
English and 100% English undergraduate programs in 2010
and 2011 respectively. The first program was closed
- The program was primarily designed to meet the
curriculum requirements of IEEE/ACM Joint Curriculum
Committee. ABET, ECTS, and Europe Bologna process
requirements, and Turkish Industry were also taken into
consideration. The program had a balanced mixture of
courses from 3 major areas of Computer Engineering.
 | Served to open a joint
System Engineering Graduate Program with Industrial
Engineering Department in 2011. |
 | Served to open 100%
English Computer Engineering Graduate Program that was
started in 2014. |
 | Founded 3 Computer
Hardware Engineering Laboratories between 9/2011 –
9/2013: Logic and Computer Design Lab, Microprocessors
and Embedded Systems Lab, and Computer Networks Lab.
Developed the first contents of lectures and
laboratories, and taught the lectures based on these
laboratories. |
 | Taught 26 (15
different) undergraduate, and 10 (8 different) graduate
courses on Software Engineering, Cloud Computing, Big
Data, Data Mining and Machine Learning, Computer
Networking, and Computer Hardware Engineering in 6
years. |
 | Supervised 1 master
thesis and 3 senior design projects. |
 | Worked as primary
investigator and researcher in the NetSE (Networking and
Software Engineering) Lab. |
 | Served as Consultant to
the Institute Director and Project Teams at TÜBİTAK
BİLGEM between 1/2012 – 12/2014. |
 | Served as Consultant as
Executive Committee Member at TÜBİTAK-TEYDEB BİLTEG,
6/2012 – 6/2014. |
 | Served as Referee and
Inspector for industry projects at TÜBİTAK TEYDEB
Referee and Inspector for
Industry Projects
Ankara, Turkey
August/2005 – July/2016
Reviewed project proposals, interviewed with project teams at
their locations, and prepared reports for the TÜBİTAK-TEYDEB
decision process for funding national and international
projects submitted by industry companies.
Consultant to the Institute
Director and Project Teams
Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey
January/2012 – December/2014
 | Consulted the Institute
Director and Project Teams on cloud computing, software
engineering and project management at TÜBİTAK BİLGEM-BTE.
 | Consulted the Institute
Director and Project Teams on software engineering
management, research and development organization
structures and processes suitable for TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM
during the reorganization process of TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM
Institutes in 2012. |
* BİLGEM (Informatics
and Information Security Research Center) within TÜBİTAK,
mainly conducts research and develops scientific and
technological solutions in many fields ranging from
information technologies, software technologies, information
security, cyber security to communications,
microelectronics, optoelectronics and advanced electronics.
provides innovative technological solutions for civilian
needs apart from contributing to the national security of
the country. BİLGEM, as being the largest R&D of Turkey
(consisting of more than 1800 staff, more than 80% of whom
are R&D staff), mainly involves in many high technology
projects, thereby contributing to the technology development
and implementation. Additionally, BİLGEM, as Turkey’s
competitive power in the international markets, has engaged
in some high-tech projects especially with NATO and its
member countries. BİLGEM consists of 6 institutes, namely
being National Research Institute of Electronics and
Cryptology (UEKAE), Information Technologies Institute (BTE),
Advanced Technologies Research Institute (ILTAREN), Cyber
Security Institute (SGE) and Software Technologies Institute
(YTE), and Fundamental Sciences Research Institute (TBAE).
Executive Committee Member
BİLTEG*, Ankara
July/2014 – May/2014
Worked to evaluate IT projects proposed by companies in
Turkey, decide funding the projects and assign referees and
inspectors from universities and industry to accepted
projects in the TEYDEB-BİLTEG* Executive Committee for 2
* BİLTEG (Information
Technologies Group) within TÜBİTAK-TEYDEB supports research
and technology development in IT projects proposed by
national companies in Turkey. (BİLTEG: Bilişim Teknolojileri
Grubu, in Turkish).
Professor, Head of
Department Haliç University
Computer Engineering Department, İstanbul, Turkey
September/2008 – September/2010
 | Served as Head of
Department, 3/2009 – 9/2010. |
 | Served as a member of
- Engineering Faculty Executive and Faculty Boards,
9/2008 – 9/2010.
- Institute Board, The Institute for Graduate Studies in
Sciences and Engineering, 3/2009 – 9/2010. |
 | Served to open 30%
English undergraduate program. |
 | Taught 6 (5 different)
undergraduate, and 3 graduate courses on Software
Engineering and Computer Networking. |
 | Worked as primary
investigator and researcher in the NetSE Lab.
 | Supervised 7 master
theses and 2 senior design projects. |
 | Consulted the General
Manager and Project Teams at Metro Istanbul, 9/2008 –
4/2009. |
 | Served as Referee and
Inspector for industry projects at TÜBİTAK TEYDEB
Consultant to the General
Manager and Project Teams
Metro Istanbul
(Istanbul ULAŞIM A.Ş.) (Istanbul Transportation Company)
September/2008 – April/2009
 | Served as consultant to
the General Manager and Project Teams at Metro
Istanbul*. |
 | Built the first R&D
research and development infrastructure (railway
signalling literature and information infrastructure,
railway signalling lab requirements, development team,
team processes and dynamics, ...). |
 | Produced the first road
map, technical blue prints, requirements analysis and
system design documents, and railway signalling
simulator programs. |
* Metro İstanbul is an
affiliate company of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
operating the tramway, metro, light rail, funicular and
aerial cable cars in Istanbul.
Associate Professor
Fatih University, Computer Engineering Department, İstanbul, Turkey
August/2002 – August/2008
 | Served as a member of
- Engineering Faculty Executive and Faculty Boards, 10/2002 –
May 2007.
- Information Technologies Committee, 6/2006 – 7/2008.
 | Founded a Computer Networks
Lab. |
 | Taught 32 (9 different) undergraduate, and 12 (6
different) graduate courses on Software Engineering, Computer
Networking, Distributed Systems, and Computer Hardware
Engineering in 6 years. |
 | Supervised 2 master theses and
9 senior design projects. |
 | Worked as primary investigator
and researcher in the NetSE Lab. |
 | Consulted the Project Teams at
BELBİM, 7/2006 – 10/2006. |
 | Served as Consultant and
Referee for KOSGEB Projects, 6/2004 – 8/2008. |
 | Consulted the General Manager
and Project Teams at İSBAK, 8/2005 – 3/2006. |
 | Consulted the General Manager
and Project Teams at Europe Software, Istanbul, January/2004 –
February/2005. |
 | Consulted the Project Teams at
BELBİM, 5/2003 – 12/2003. |
 | Served as Referee and
Inspector for industry projects at TÜBİTAK TEYDEB,
8/2005 – 8/2008
Consultant and Referee
KOSGEB Projects
June/2004 – August/2008
Served as Consultant and Referee to companies on their
projects supported by KOSGEB. |
Consultant to Project Teams
BELBİM (Istanbul
Municipalities Data Processing Industry & Trade Inc.)
July/2006 – October/2006
Consulted the Project Teams
on project management, administrative and technical
management processes at BELBİM*.
* BELBİM (Istanbul
Municipalities Data Processing Industry & Trade Inc.) is an
affiliate company of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
providing electronic money and payment infrastructure and
services for tramway, metro, light rail, funicular and
aerial cable cars in Istanbul.
Consultant to the General
Manager and Project Teams
ISBAK (Istanbul
Municipalities Transportation Maintenance Industries and
Trade Inc., Istanbul)
August/2005 – March/2006
 | Consulted the General
Manager and Project Teams at ISBAK. |
 | Worked on the design,
and processor and software tools selection problems for
a new generation microprocessor-based traffic junction
control unit which would replace old PLC-based control
units in Istanbul. |
 | Gave seminars on
object-oriented analysis, design, and programming using
Java and UML. |
* ISBAK is an affiliate
company of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality providing
project design and implementation services through traffic
and system engineering in the field of Intelligent
Transportation Systems with traffic signalization being the
top major task. |
Consultant to the General
Manager and Project Teams
Europe Software, Istanbul
January/2004 – February/2005
 | Served as Consultant to
the General Manager and Project Teams on organization
structure and processes, technologies, project
management and software development processes,
enterprise system architectures for ERP applications
such as Supply Chain Management, Human Resources and
Product Management, and Banking applications.
 | Gave seminars on
object-oriented analysis and design using Design
Patterns, UML and Java.
Consultant to Project Teams
BELBİM (Istanbul
Municipalities Data Processing Industry & Trade Inc.)
May/2003 – December/2003
 | Consulted the Project
Teams for system architecture, technologies and software
development processes for two projects (Automatic Sales
Machine, Ticket Sales Machine, and Data Transfer and
Automatic Integration) of the AKBIL (Smart Ticket)
System at BELBİM. |
 | Gave seminars on
object-oriented analysis and design using Design
Patterns, UML and Java.
Chief Researcher (Başuzman
Araştırmacı), Project Manager, Associate Professor
(The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey –
National Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology)
May/1997 – July/2002
 | Worked as Project
Manager and System Architect in the IP Crypto Devices
Management System Project, 5/1999 – 7/2002. |
 | Worked as Project
Manager in various institute process improvement teams,
8/2000 – 12/2001. |
 | Worked as Project
Member and System Architect in the TAFICS (Turkish Armed
Forces Integrated Communication System) Electronic Key
Management System (TELAYS), 5/1997 – 5/1999.
 | Served as part-time
Instructor for graduate and undergraduate courses in the
Department of Computer Engineering, at Marmara
University, 9/1997 – 1/2002
Marmara University, Computer Engineering Department,
September/1997 – January/2002
Taught 2 graduate courses and 1 undergraduate course,
supervised 1 master thesis and several undergraduate theses.
ELKOSİS (Electronic Control Systems), Gebze, Kocaeli
September/1995 – June/1997
 | Worked as Co-founder,
Software Projects Manager, System and Software Architect
 | A new electronic
electricity meter device prototype having prepayment
feature with its smart card and its PC program were
developed for Federal
Elektrik for the Turkish market.
Instructor (Öğretim
Uludağ University, Electronics Engineering Department
March/1990 – May/1997
 | Taught 9 different
undergraduate courses on Electronics / Computer Hardware
Engineering and Computer Programming in 7 years.
 | Founded the BilDET
(Computer Aided Electronics Design) Lab, and formed a
student research team. |
 | Supervised about 15
senior design projects. |
 | Worked as System
Architect and Electronics Engineer in a joint-project
developed by MİSTAŞ A.Ş., 3/1992 – 9/1992.
 | Worked as Consultant to
Project Teams and Software Developer at TÜBİTAK –
Marmara Research Center, Electronics Dept., Gebze,
Kocaeli, 9/1992 – 12/1995. |
 | Worked as Co-founder,
Software Projects Manager and System and Software
Architect at ELKOSİS (Electronic Control Systems), Gebze,
Kocaeli, 9/1995 – 6/1997.
Consultant to Project Teams
and Software Developer
TÜBİTAK – Marmara
Research Center (MAM), Electronics Department, Gebze
September/1992 – December/1995
 | Developed a block
diagram based object oriented Digital Signal Processing
(DSP) software environment. |
 | A hardware debugger
program was developed for a dual-processor parallel DSP
(TMS32C25) system. |
 | Worked in various
projects on hardware and software engineering, digital
signal/image processing. Different microprocessors,
microcontrollers, special purpose processors like TMS
320C25/30 DSP processors, PC data acquisition and I/O
boards were used.
Member of the Galaxy CAD
Environment Project Team
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Electrical and Computer
Eng. Dept.
September /1987 – December /1989
 | Developed the Galaxy
Hardware Description Language (GHDL) as part of his
master study. GHDL was one of the tools of the Galaxy
CAD Environment which was developed by Prof. John F.
Beetem and his students. Galaxy was developed for
digital circuit simulation. |
 | GHDL as part of the
Galaxy CAD Environment was used in the University of
Wisconsin-Madison and in many US universities, and also
become a commercial product.