Engineering, Networking, Large Software Systems |
Alexander L. Wolf,
Department of Computer Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder,
His research interests are in the discovery of principles and
development of technologies to support the engineering of large, complex
software systems.
His papers
are in the areas of configuration management, software architecture,
distributed systems, networking, and security. |
Douglas C. Schmidt
Distributed computing, patterns, middleware. |
Oriented Software, Patterns |
architect, programmer, educator, and author specializing in
object-oriented design and languages (including Java and C++). |
Craig Larman, Author of Applying UML and Patterns (introduction to
OO A/D). |
Doug Lee Author of "Concurrent
Programming in Java: Design Principles and Patterns", and ..., Professor
of Computer Science, State University of New York at Oswego. |
Joseph Bergin, OOD, OOP,
Karel J. Robot A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Object-Oriented
Programming in Java |
Martin Fowler Author of four
books on software development: Analysis Patterns, UML Distilled Refactoring,
and Planning Extreme Programming with Kent Beck. |
Peter Coad
Business Strategist, Model Builder, and Thought Leader:
formulates long-term competitive strategies for Borland,
the father of Together, previously CEO and president of TogetherSoft. |
Refactory, a consortium of object-oriented
experts dedicated to helping organizations succeed with objects.
Ralph E. Johnson,
a professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of
Illinois, co-author of the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable
Object-Oriented Design, winner of the 1994 Software Productivity Award,
one of the leading pattern experts, and an expert on software reuse and
object-oriented design. |
Steve Hartley
Author of "Concurrent Programming: The Java Programming Language",
Professor of Drexel University's Mathematics and Computer Science
Department, in Philadelphia, PA.
Brügge, Professor of computer science with a chair for Applied
Software Engineering at the Technische Universität München and adjunct
professor at Carnegie Mellon University,
Author of OO Software
Engineering. |
Sommerville, Author, academıc and consultant |
Karl Wiegers,
Principal Consultant at Process Impact, has written three books and
several dozen articles on many aspects of software engineering, software
management, and software process improvement. |
Leszek Maciaszek
Author of
Practical Software Engineering, Requirements Analysis and System Design |
Mehmet Akşit,
Head of the Software Engineering chair and the leader of the Twente
Research and Education on Software Engineering (TRESE) Group. |
Pankaj Jalote,
Professor at an Indian University, software engineering, particularly
software quality, software process improvement, metrics, statistical
methods for SPI, software architecture, and fault tolerance and
reliability, has books |
Steve McConnell, Steve
McConnell is CEO and Chief Software Engineer at
Construx Software (his company)
where he writes books
and articles,
teaches classes, and oversees Construx’s software engineering practices. |
Timothy Lethbrid, Prof.,
University of Ottowa, Author of OOSE book.
His papers |
Tuncer Ören, Modelling
and Simulation, Agent-Directed Simulation, Cognitive Simulation,
Reliability and Quality Ethics in Simulation |
Andrew S. Tanenbaum Author of several important books and Professor. |
Douglas Comer
Author of "Networks and Internets", "Operating Systems (Xinu)", ..., Purdue,
Professor. |
Henning Schulzrinne,
Internet real-time and multimedia services and protocols, ubiquitous
computing, mobile systems, quality of service, modeling and analysis of
computer-communication networks, operating systems, network security. |
Jim Kurose,
The author of the book "Computer Networking,
top down approach featuring the Internet".
Has many outstanding teacher awards for computer networking. Research
interests include network protocols and architecture, network
measurement, sensor networks, multimedia communication, and modeling and
performance evaluation. |
Leonard Kleinrock, Professor
Inventor of the Internet Technology. |
Randy H. Katz,
Profesor, University of California, Berkeley, Network Computing,
Communications-oriented Service Architectures. |
Raj Jain a Co-founder
and Chief Technology Officer of Nayna Networks, Inc - a next generation
telecommunications systems company in San Jose, CA. Until August 2002,
he was also a Professor of Computer and Information Sciences at Ohio
State University in Columbus, Ohio, where he is now an Adjunct
Professor. |
S. Kalyanaraman,
Dept. of ECSE , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, audio and video
lectures on networking, experimental networking |
W. Richard Stevens
Author of several important network books. His books is a must for computer
science! |
William Stallings Author
of several important books. |
and Wireless Networks |
I. F. Akyıldız, Ken
Byers Distinguished Chair Professor with the School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology and Director of
Broadband and Wireless Networking Laboratory. |
John Krum, Researcher at Microsoft Research in Redmond, work in the
Adaptive Systems & Interaction Group on techniques for measuring a
person's location and for using location data in a way that benefits the
user. |
Victor Bahl,
Senior Researcher and Manager of the Networking Research Group. |
Architecture and
Microprocessors |
Seymour Cray,
In memory of
Seymour Cray,
Seymour Cray Perspective (Gordon Bell ),
Interview 1995, In
Honor of Seymour Cray,
Cray Research,
father of
the supercomputer, the world’s best known computer designer, supercomputer architect,
Thomas Edison of the supercomputing industry. One who works at every
level of integration from circuits to application software. He excelled
at five P’s: packaging, plumbing, parallelism, programming and
understanding the problems or apps. Circuitry, packaging, plumbing (the
flow of heat and bits), architecture, parallelism, and programming of
the compilers to exploit parallelism… and the problems themselves.
David A. Patterson,
Professor in Computer Science at UC Berkeley, author of Computer
Organization & Desing, ... (classical text books in computer architecture). |
Barry B. Brey Author
of microprocessors' books and senior
Bill Day, Technology Evangelist for
Sun Microsystems
C++, Python, Patterns with Java books, you can
download his books! |
Horstmann, written many books on Java, C++, and object-oriented
development, is the series editor for Core Books at Prentice-Hall. Cay
was VP and CTO of an Internet startup company. He is now a computer
science professor at San Jose State University. |
Deitel, Deitel
Authors of Java, C/C++/C#, ... books. |
James Gosling The inventor
of Java. |
and Electronics Engineering |
Abdullah Atalar |
Edward A. Lee,
Professor, Chair of Electrical Engineering, and Associate Chair of EECS
University of California at Berkeley Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences.
Levent Onural
Science and Engineering |
Alan Kay, One of the
inventors of the Smalltalk programming language and one of the fathers
of the idea of Object Oriented Programming. He is the conceiver of the
laptop computer and the architect of the modern windowing GUI. Alan
Kay's most frequently quoted statement is "The best way to predict
the future is to invent it." |
Bill Gates, Chairman and
chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation.
Bill Gates Speech at Harvard
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together |
Bill Joy, Co-founder, chief scientist of Sun. He led Sun's technical strategy
from the founding of the company in 1982 until September, 2003. While at
Sun, Bill was a key designer of Sun technologies, including Solaris, SPARC, chip architectures and pipelines, and Java. Joy has been in on
every innovative idea since Sun was founded. In 1995 he installed the
first city-wide WiFi network. Bill has more than 40 patents. Before
co-founding Sun, Bill designed and wrote Berkeley UNIX, the first open
source operating system with built-in TCP/IP, making it the backbone of
the Internet. Bill's many contributions were recognized in a Fortune
cover story which called him the "Edison of the Internet."
His presentation at MIT,
2005. |
B. Stroustrup Designer
and original implementer of the C++ programming language, Author
of the standard reference "The C++ Programming Language". |
Donald E. Knuth Perhaps the most famous computer scientist. Author of The Art of Computer
Programming and the TeX typesetting system.
His lectures. |
Erol Gelenbe |
Gordon Bell,
Senior researcher in Microsoft's Media Presence Research Group. He is
putting all of his atom- and electron-based bits in his local
Cyberspace, called
MyLifeBits. This includes everything he has accumulated, written,
photographed, presented, and owns (e.g. CDs). |
Steve Jobs,
Co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Apple Inc, and was the CEO of Pixar
Animation Studios until it was acquired by the Walt Disney Company in
2006. He also found NEXT company.
Steve Jobs'
Stanford Commencement Speech 2005
all about Steve
Some of Steve Jobs' most famous performances LIVE |
Oktay Sinanoğlu, Turkish genius,
the most
famous and influential Turkish scientist, youngest
professor (age 26) in the history of the Yale University, the warrior of
Turkish Language and Culture since 1960's, ... |
Ray Kurzweil,
Author, scientist, inventor and
futurist |
Stephen Wolfram Scientist,
Entrepreneur, and Creator of Mathematica. |