This course introduces the essential aspects of software-engineering from an object-oriented point of view. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used for the analysis and design work. The realization of software engineering concepts is realized in Java. Particular emphasis is on a team project in which a group of students implement a system from its specification. Students are expected to complete and report assignments and a nontrivial design project developed in Java using a UML design tool. Some of the topics covered include modeling with UML, project management, requirements definition and analysis, system design, object design, rational management, testing, configuration management. CENG 217 Object Oriented Programming, CENG 102 Computer Programming II This is the tentative schedule. Please check it once before the lecture.
Grading Attendance: Attendance is important in order to learn the topics in a timely manner. Attendance will be forced by taking attendance and by making quizzes at random times. Quizzes: There will be short quizzes at random times. We may not inform you about the quizzes. A quiz may be done at any time during a lecture period. Project: The project is very important for a course of this kind. Midterm Exam: There will be one midterm exam that will be given around the mid of the semester. Final Exam: There will be one final exam that will be given during final exams period of the semester. Makeup Exam: Depending on the need (for officially reported or extraordinary cases) I may make a makeup exam. But I should warn you that makeup exam will be much more difficult than the other exams in order to provide fairness for students who work on time and take the exam on time, and discourage students from unnecessarily omitting the exams. We will be very careful in grading the projects, homeworks, exams so that everybody gets the grade that he/she deserves. Copying will not be tolerated and will be checked and punished rigorously.