Lecture Announcements
The 2nd Midterm and Lab Final exams:
Friday, 14:00 - 16:00, in E-210 (CENG 362) and E-216 (BILM 362)
Closed book and notes. |
The topics for the exam: Chapters 4, and
5 |
The topics not included:
4.7 Broadcast and multicast routing, ??? (Some topics form Chapter 5,
announced in the next week) |
The previous years' second midterms,
questions and solutions: Typical
Questions for Midterm 2 |
For the old Lab Final exam questions and
solutions, see your lab assistant. |
The questions and solutions of the first
midterm is here.
A Small Optional Project for Extra Credit
The last experiment Lab 4: Dynamic
Routing Protocols (RIP, OSPF, and BGP) is given as an optional
team project for an extra credit. |
For the details of this project, see
Mustafa Veysi Nural and me soon ! I and Mustafa will define this
project, and I will grade this project starting next week. |
You can form a different project team with
different team members (up to 4) for this project. |
The grade of this project will be reflected
to your first midterm grade using a formula. |
The percent: at least 30 % of the Project
Grade. The team Project Grade will distributed to team members based on
their their contributions to this project (and their midterm grades ?).
Midterm exam: 9-April-2008,
Wednesday, 8:30 - 10:00 (CENG 362) 10:00 - 11:00 (BILM 362), in
class |
Closed book and notes. |
Chapters: 3 chapters, 300 pages from
the book. |
Some sample exam questions and answers
from previous years:
CENG-BILM-362-Midterm1_Samples |
An Important Advice: Before looking at the solutions
directly, in my opinion, first, study all 3 chapters and then try to
solve the questions of an exam given before in about 60-90 minutes
in a quiet exam condition. After you write your answers, look at the
given possible answers. Some solutions are not absolute, that is,
you may come up with different correct solutions for some questions.
By this way you can test your knowledge before the real exam and
increase your learning process. Force yourself before looking at
the answers !... This makes the learning process more deep and
lasting... |
Be careful, partials solutions are
given for some questions. The are indicated in some places,
sometimes not. |
for more questions and answers from the text book (3rd Edition).
There will be a 2
hour-lecture on Linux given by Murat Gezer, 19-2-2008, Tuesday,
15:00 - 16:30, in one of the available computer labs.
Look at the new
Computer Networks Lab web page.
Welcome to
CENG/BILM 362 Comuter Networks/Bilgisayar
This course has a top-down approach (from
Application Layer to Physical Layer) focusing on the Internet and
Computer Networks Lab experiments,
using networking applications such as a network analyzer (Wireshark)
and a network simulation program (Packet Tracer 4.1 by Cisco Systems), and
a high level programming language, Java.
In this course,
you will learn
TCP/IP layers
(Internet Architecure), how the Internet works, and IP
packets journey from the Application Layer down to
Transport Layer, Network Layer, Data Link Layer and Physical Layer
through net past routers, firewalls and transatlantic cables and
wireless communication media. |
It will be
interesting to watch the following 12:40 minute Warriors-of-the-Net movie before we start this journey. You can
download this movie from
here or
its web site.
Your course and lab TAs
Melek Oktay and Mustafa Nural (Student Asistant) (CENG
362) and
A. Volkan Gürel (BILM 362) will make their announcements
on their web pages. The weekly lab schedule, solutions, and announcements
related to the lab activities will be posted
there. Start to visit their web pages regularly.
Class participation in
terms of asking questions is highly encouraged. Please do not be
afraid to ask questions no matter how simple you might think the
answer could be. This type of interaction helps improve the
effectiveness of the class and breaks the monotony.
An interview
about our Computer Networks and Wireless Networks Laboratories.
Course Materials
Lecture Slides
Semester Slides
all the new slides used during the semester will be available via the
following links after the lecture. I may also skip several slides
during the lecture (?00 slides would be too much!). They are included in the
course material for completeness and to provide a good reference for your
future professional engineering life. |
Purpose: To allow better concentration in lecture by reducing
note-taking pressure and to provide a study-aid before and after lecture.
Disclaimers: (a) I may not follow these
slides exactly in class (b) I may also use
the whiteboard and give some extra notes which will not be posted here
as needed in class (c) Students are responsible for what I say
and teach in class. (d) Reading these slides is
not a substitute for attending lecture. |
follow the lecture and understand the materials presented in class
better, please download the
year's lecture slides and take the print outs of them, and bring them
to class. Although I'll modify them, I'll use most of them in this
semester. You can take your notes on these slides and be active
during the lecture. You digest material much better when actively
taking notes from step-to-step demonstrations given by your
instructor than by just sitting and watching slides.
The lectures slides are adapted from the slides developed by J. F.
Kurose and K. W. Ross, and other slides from many different sources.
W |
Dt |
Lec |
Topics Covered |
HW |
Notes, Readings and
References |
1 |
11/2 |
Lec 0
Lec 1
Course Overview
Computer Networks, and the Internet
What’s the Internet,
What’s a protocol? Network Edge, Network Core,
Access Net, Physical Media, Internet/ISP Structure
(chp 1) |
2 |
18/2 |
Lec 2
Applets |
Computer Networks, and the Internet
Performance: Loss,
Delay, Protocol Layers, Service Models, History.
(chp 1) |
HW1 |
3 |
25/3 |
Lec 3 |
Application Layer (1/3)
Principles of
App. Layer Protocols, TCP Socket Programming, UDP Socket Programming |
Text Book: Chapter 2 |
4 |
3/3 |
Lec 4 |
Application Layer (2/3)
DNS, Web and HTTP
(chp 2) |
IBM Textbook: 3.1.7 |
5 |
10/3 |
Lec 5 |
Application Layer (3/3)
FTP, Electronic Mail: SMTP, POP3, and IMAP, File Sharing.
(chp 2) |
HW2 |
6 |
17/3 |
Lec 6 |
Layer (1/3)
Transport-Layer services, Multiplexing/Demultiplexing,
Connectionless Transport: UDP, Principles of Reliable Data Transfer (chp 3)
7 |
24/3 |
Lec 7 |
Layer (2/3)
Principles of Congestion
Control, TCP Congestion Control (chp 3) |
HW3 |
8 |
31/3 |
Layer (3/3)
TCP Congestion Control (chp 3) |
9 |
7/4 |
9-April-2008, Wed., 8:30-10:00 (CENG 362) 10:00-11:00
(BILM 362) |
10 |
14/4 |
Lec 8 |
Layer (1/3)
Introduction, Virtual Circuit and Datagram Networks, What’s Inside a
Router, (Router and IP Forwarding) (chp 4) |
11 |
21/4 |
Lec 9
Layer (2/3)
IP: Internet Protocol:
IP Datagram Format, IP Datagram
Fragmentation, IPv4 Addressing, DHCP, NAT, ICMP, IPv6 (chp 4) |
12 |
28/4 |
Lec 10 Lec 11 |
Layer (3/3)
Routing Algorithms: Link State,
Distance Vector, Hierarchical Routing Routing in the Internet: RIP, OSPF, BGP Broadcast
and multicast routing (chp 4) |
HW4 |
13 |
5/4 |
Lec 12
Link Layer
and LANs (1/3)
Introduction and Services,
Error Detection and Correction, Multiple Access Protocols (chp 5) |
HW5 |
14 |
12/5 |
Lec 13
Link Layer
and LANs (2/3) Link Layer
Addressing, Ethernet, Link-Layer Switches (chp 5) |
16/5 |
Lab Final + Midterm II |
15 |
20/5 |
Last Lecture and Project
Demos |
Computer Networks Reference Page 1 |
Computer Networks Reference Page 2 |
The network book,
Professor Yechiam Yemini, Distributed Computing & Communications (DCC)
Laboratory Computer Science Department Columbia University. |