CENG 577 Advanced Services in Communications
Course Description
The main goal of the course is
to unravel the new advanced services that will form the platform for the
construction of scalable, reliable, and high performance new generation
multimedia-rich mobile and wireless Internet-based
The last several years have seen the
phenomenal growth of the Internet and its emergence as the technology of
choice for constructing major new services and applications, such as
packetized audio and video (multimedia networking), mobile and wireless
computing, and pervasive (ubiquitous) computing. In this seminar-style
experimental course, we will examine the convergence of traditional
voice-centric telecommunications networks and computer networks, and applications-focused distributed
middleware architectures, and the Internet.
The Internet as it is conceptualized today
is mainly in terms of network and transport-layer protocols, with a weak
model for services beyond connectivity. Traditional telecommunications
networks include well-developed service models, but these are strongly tied
to telephony. Elements include control via Signal System 7, the distribution
of application processing in the Advanced Intelligent Network, the new
frameworks for Internet-based core architectures for Third Generation Mobile
Networks, and proposals to generalize the existing telephony architecture
such as the object-based TINA architecture. Middleware-oriented distributed
applications architectures include SOA, RMI, EJB, JINI and CORBA.
Through the readings of technical and survey
papers, student presentations, seminar-style discussion, and applied
research projects, we will learn the proposed services and architectures.
Students will pursue a substantial research project as part of their course
Lecture Schedule
Lectures |
Topics Covered |
Lec 1 |
Introduction: What is this Course About? Technology Trends |
Lec 2 |
Internet Architecture and Advanced
Services in Converged Networks: Evaluation of the Internet
Architecture, Quick Review of TCP/IP Protocol Stack, Principles of Data
Communications, Higher Internet View and New Trends, Business Trends,
Implications and Issues, Summary and Conclusions |
Lec 3 |
Next Generation Internet Architecture:
Network-Layer Enhancements (IPv6, Multicast Routing and Address
Allocation), Mobility (mobile IP and other technologies), Internet2, ... |
Lec 4 |
Principles of Voice Communications and
Converged Networks: Voice Communication, Convergence of Traditional
Voice-Centric Telecommunications Networks and Computer Networks, PSTN and Intelligent
Network (IN): A Telephone-Centric
View of Data and Voice Network Convergence |
Lec 5 |
Multimedia Networking (Internet Telephony
Architecture and
Protocols: Voice over IP-VoIP): Multimedia Networking
Applications, Streaming Stored Audio and Video, RTSP, Real-Time
Multimedia: Internet Phone study, Protocols for Real-Time Interactive
Applications: RTP, RTCP, SIP, Distributing Multimedia: Content
Distribution Networks (CDNs), Beyond Best Effort, Scheduling and
Policing Mechanisms, Integrated Services and Differentiated Services,
RSVP, Java Multimedia Framework (JMF) |
Multimedia Networking: Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP): What is SIP?, Protocols for IP Telephony,
Architecture of SIP, SIP Services, Some Issues |
Lec 6 |
Middleware: Architectural Model and
Software Layers, Some Definitions for Middleware, Middleware Layers,
Traditional Middleware, RMI as Object Oriented Traditional Middleware,
RFC 2768, New Requirements and Developments in Middleware |
Lec 7 |
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and
Computing (SOC): Introduction: Current View (Issues with Existing
Models), Introduction to SOA, SOA with Web Services, Technologies
Related to Web Services, Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), Enabling
Technologies, Current Trends and Research Challenges, Web Services
Practice in .NET |
Lec 8 |
Peer-to-Peer Networking:
Definitions, Peer-to-Peer and Grid Computing, Main Characteristics and
Advantages, Classifications of P2P Applications, P2P Content
Distribution (P2P Applications, P2P Content Publishing and Storage
Systems, P2P Infrastructures), P2P Analysis Framework, P2P Distributed
Object Location and Routing, Content Caching, Replication and Migration,
Security, Provisions and Anonymity and Deniability, Resource Management
Capabilities, Open Research Topics, JXTA (Java's peer-to-peer networking
technology) |
Lec 9 |
Pervasive Computing: Principles of
Pervasive Computing, Evolution and Related Fields, Problem Space,
Example Projects, Other Scenarios, Location-aware
(-based) services (LBS), Wireless Sensor Networks |
Multimedia Networking
H. Schulzrinne, "Internet Telephony", Practical Handbook of Internet
Computing, 2004 CRC Press LLC. |
B. Li, M. Hamdi,
D. Jiang, Xi-Ren Cao, Y. T. Hou, "QoS-Enabled Voice Support in the
Next-Generation Internet: Issues, Existing Approaches and Challenges",
IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 54-61, April 2000. |
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Computing (SOC)
M. P. Papazoglou,
"Web Services Technologies and Standards", ACM Computing Surveys,
2006. |
Papazoglou, M.P.
and W.J. van den Heuvel, Service-Oriented Design and Development
Methodology", Int'l Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET),
2006. |
Optional Readings
M. P. Papazoglou,
W. J. van den Heuvel, "Service Oriented Architectures: Approaches,
Technologies and Research Issues", The VLDB Journal (2005). |
B. Yurday, H.
Gümüşkaya, "A Service Oriented Reflective Wireless Middleware", ICSOC
2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag,
vol. 4294, pp. 545 – 556, 2006.
Androutsellis-Theotokis and Diomidis Spinellis, "A Survey of
Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution Technologies", ACM Computing
Surveys, 36(4):335–371, December 2004. |
Detlef Schoder
and Kai Fischbach, "Core Concepts in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networking",
P2P Computing: The Evolution of a
Disruptive Technology, Idea Group Inc, Hershey, 2005. |
Pervasive Computing
Satyanarayanan, "Pervasive Computing: Vision and Challenges", IEEE
Personal Communication, Aug. 2001, pp. 10-17. |
D. Saha, A.
Mukherjee, "Pervasive Computing: A Paradigm for the 21st Century",
Computer, pp. 25-31, March 2003. |
A. LaMarca,
et.al, "Place Lab: Device Positioning Using Radio Beacons in the
Wild", Proceedings of Pervasive 2005, Munich, Germany. |
Optional Reading
J. Hightower, A.
LaMarca, I. Smith, "Practical Lessons from Place Lab", IEEE Pervasive
Computing, vol. 5, no. 3, 2006. |
% : Presentation, ADC (Attendance, Discussion and Contribution)
40 % : Project
30 % : Final Exam (a
comprehensive exam covering all topics at the end of the course)