Lecture Announcements
The second midterm: 17 May 2005, Tuesday,
at 10:00, 1-hour exam. |
Chapters for the second
midterm: Chapter 4 (excluding Chapter 4.7) and Chapter 5 (up to page
435). |
HW3: Problems from the text
Chapter 4: Problems starting from page 403: 7, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 26
Due: 16-May-2005, Monday at 11:00. |
The solutions of HW3 will be
posted on Monday. |
The last Wednesday lab assignments:
Due: 4-May.
Due: 11-May.
Due: 18-May. |
The results of the first midterm exam is
here and
the solutions.
You can only look at your exam
papers on Tuesday and Thursday after the lecture this week. Before
coming to examine your paper, download the solutions, take a print out
and look at the solutions. |
The topics for the exam: Chapters 1, 2,
and 3 (Delay Modeling not included) from the text book, and
Ethereal Labs 1, 2, 3, and 4. You can get the solutions of the lab
assignments from the photocopy center. |
The solutions of HW1, HW2, and the Lab Assignment 4
(TCP) assignments were given to the photocopy center.
Bring your text book and your
study notes (one A4-page) to the exam. You may be allowed to
open them in one part of the exam. Study the exam as if it is a closed
book exam! |
Download updated lecture slides Lec 1
and Lec 4 from the course
web site today afternoon after the make-up lecture. |
There will be a 2-hour
make-up lecture (last review before the exam.) on 18-April-2005, Monday at 11:00. The place will be announced on
my office door before the lecture. |
HW2: Problems from the text
Chapter 2: Problems: 6, 7 (page 172), 12 (page 173),
14 (page 175), 23 (page 176)
Chapter 3: Problems: 3, 7 (page 287), 16 (page 289), 20
(page 290), 27 (page 291)
Due: 18-April-2005, Monday at
11:00. |
The solutions of HW2 will be
posted on Monday.
Lab Announcements:
PA2: Multi-Threaded Web Server. Text Book page: 178. Due: 27
April 2005, Wednesday.
The midterm exam dates:
The first midterm: 19
April 2005, Tuesday, 2-hour exam.
The second midterm: 12 May 2005, Thursday, 1-hour exam.
There will be a 2-hour
make-up lecture on Monday, 10 at 11:00. The place will be announced on
my office door before the lecture.
Lab Announcements:
The lab assignment:
. Due: 13-April-2005, Wednesday. |
The solutions of the first 3 lab assignments were given to the
photocopy center by your TA Engin Tozal. Please take them and prepare
similar lab reports as a group work before the lab time.
If you don't have a report when your lab time comes, you will not be
taken to the lab interview, as a result, you will get a zero grade.
Each member of the lab group is responsible from all questions.
Look at the lab announcements given on
the web page of your TA
before and after the lab sessions. |
The lab
Lab3 . Due: 6-April-2005,
Wednesday (No late assignments will be
accepted). |
On Tuesday, 22 March in
class, you will be given the first quiz. Bring your books, it is
open-book. Topics for the quiz: Chapters 1 and 2. |
The first lab
Lab1 and
Lab2. Due:
30-March-2005, Wednesday (in the lab, no late assignments will be
accepted). |
The recitation hours and
program demos will be held on Wednesdays between 13:00 - 15:00
in the Lab. |
The first programming
assignment PA1 is here. Due:
23-March-2005, Wednesday. |
You can download your
first homework assignment from here.
Welcome to
CENG 362 Comuter Networks!
This course has a top-down approach focusing on the Internet and
networking applications using Java, and network analyzer program
Course Materials
(Lecture Slides, Readings,
Programs, Technical Documents)
Lecture Slides
2004 Semester Slides
Purpose: To allow better concentration in lecture by reducing
note-taking pressure and to provide a study-aid before (unfortunately
not this year) and after lecture.
Disclaimers: (a) I may not follow these
slides exactly in class. (b) Students are responsible
for what I say in class. (c) Reading these slides is
not a substitute for attending lecture.
The lectures slides are mainly based on the slides developed by J. F.
Kurose and K. W. Ross. Their copyright note: All material copyright
1996-2004 J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross, All Rights Reserved.
Date |
Lecture |
Topics Covered |
22/2 |
Lec 1 |
Course Overview and Quick Review of Computer Networking and TCP/IP
Computer Networks, and the Internet
What’s the Internet What’s a protocol? Network Edge, Network Core,
Access Net, Physical Media, Internet/ISP Structure, Performance: Loss,
Delay, Protocol Layers, Service Models, History.
(chp 1) |
HW1 |
12/3 |
Lec 2
Applets |
Application Layer (1)
Principles of
App. Layer Protocols, TCP Socket Programming, UDP Socket Programming. |
Lab1, Q1 |
23/3 |
Lec 3 |
Application Layer (2)
Web and HTTP,
FTP, Electronic Mail: SMTP, POP3, and IMAP, DNS, File Sharing.
(chp 2) |
Lab3 |
12/4 |
Lec 4 |
Transport-Layer services, Multiplexing and Demultiplexing,
Connectionless Transport: UDP, Principles of Reliable Data Transfer,
Connection-Oriented Transport: TCP, Principles of Congestion
Control, TCP Congestion Control (chp 3)
Exam I |
Lab4 |
26/4 |
Lec 5
Notes on Routing
Notes on TCP/IP |
Layer (1)
Introduction, Virtual Circuit and Datagram Networks, What’s Inside a
Router, (Router and IP Forwarding) (chp 4) |
Lab5 |
3/5 |
Lec 6 |
Layer (2)
IP: Internet Protocol:
IP Datagram Format, IP Datagram
Fragmentation, IPv4 Addressing, IP Forwarding, NAT, ICMP, IPv6 (chp 4) |
Lab6 |
11/5 |
Lec 7 |
Layer (3)
Routing Algorithms: Link State, Distance Vector, Hierarchical
Routing, Routing in the Internet: RIP, OSPF, BGP, Broadcast
and multicast routing (chp 4) |
12/5 |
Lec 8 |
Link Layer
and LANs (1)
Introduction and Services, Error Detection and
Correction, Multiple Access Protocols (chp 5)
Midterm Exam II |
18/5 |
Lec 9  |
Link Layer
and LANs (2)
Link Layer Addressing,
Ethernet, Interconnections: Hubs and Switches
(chp 5) |
Lab8 |
18/5 |
Lec 10  |
Link Layer
and LANs (3): PPP, Link
Virtualization: ATM and MPLS (chp 5) |