This page provides hyperlinks to
interesting (and hopefully useful) computer-networking resources. Most of
these resources provide complimentary information to the material in the
Chapter 1:
Computer Networks and the Internet
- IEEE History Center http://www.ieee.org/organizations/history_center/oral_histories/comsoc_oh.html.
- Oral Histories that have been collected to commemorate the 50th
Anniversary of the IEEE Communications Society. A number of interesting
interviews with pioneers in the field.
International Engineering Consortium: Web ProForum
Tutorials http://www.iec.org/online/tutorials/
More than 150 tutorials on communications and networking topics,
with a focus on cutting edge technology. The tutorials vary in terms of
their technical depth, but many are outstanding, and all are extremely
well-written and very readable. This is the first place we look when
looking for an on-line survey or tutorial.
Broadband: Bringing home the bits http://www.nap.edu/html/broadband
Extensive report on the importance and future of residential
broadband access from the Computer Science And Telecommunications Board,
National Research Council, January 2002
Internet Economics http://china.si.umich.edu/telecom/net-economics.html
Comprehensive index for resources relating to Internet economics,
including regulation and pricing.
Webopedia http://www.pcwebopaedia.com/
Online dictionary for computer and Internet technology
traceroute.org http://www.traceroute.org/
As discussed in Section 1.6, Traceroute provides routes and packet
delays between pairs of hosts in the Internet. This site gives you
direct access to hundreds of source hosts from which you can trace
routes to arbitrary destination hosts. Choose a country, a source host
in that country, and any destination host -- then see how the packets
weave their way through the Internet.
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) http://www.ietf.org/
The IETF is an open international community concerned with the
development and operation of the Internet and its architecture. The IETF
was formally established by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), http://www.isi.edu/iab,
in 1986. The IETF meets three times a year; much of its ongoing work is
conducted via mailing lists by working groups. Typically, based upon
previous IETF proceedings, working groups will convene at meetings to
discuss the work of the IETF working groups. The IETF is administered by
the Internet Society, http://www.isoc.org/, whose Web site contains lots of
high-quality, Internet-related material.
Henning Schulzrinne's Internet Technical Resources
Henning Schulzrinne has an extensive - although not always current -
index of online resources for the Internet.
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) http://www.acm.org/
A major international professional society that has technical
conferences, magazines, and journals in the networking area. The ACM
Special Interest Group in Data Communications (SIGCOMM), http://www.acm.org/sigcomm, is the group within this
body whose efforts are most closely related to networking
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) http://www.ieee.org/
The other major international professional society that has
technical conferences, magazines, and journals in the networking area.
The IEEE Communications Society, http://www.comsoc.org/, and the IEEE Computer Society,
http://www.computer.org/, are the groups within this
body whose efforts are most closely related to networking.
The SETI@home Project http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/
As discussed in Section 1.2, the SETI@home project is a scientific
experiment that uses Internet-connected computers to search for
extraterrestrial intelligence. You can download the SETI program
directly from this site.
Nerds 2.0.1 A Brief History of the Internet http://www.pbs.org/opb/nerds2.0.1
This is the Web site for the highly entertaining and informative PBS
video on the history of the Internet. The PBS video, Triumph of the
Nerds, about the history of personal computers, is also recommended.
Leonard Kleinrock's Personal History of the
Internet http://www.lk.cs.ucla.edu/LK/Inet/birth.html
Professor Leonard Kleinrock made numerous important contributions to
Internet technology and to the field of computer networking. This page
provides his own interesting and highly entertaining description of the
early history of the Internet.
The DSL Forum http://www.dslforum.org/
DSL Forum is a consortium of nearly 250 leading industry players
covering telecommunications, equipment, computing, networking and
service provider companies. The site is rich in information about
developments in digital subscriber loop and broadband access to the
Cable-modems.org http://www.cable-modems.org/
This site has many tutorials on cable modems, hybrid fiber-coax, and
related topics. Also includes reviews of cable modem products.
Chapter 2:
Application Layer
- Unix Network Programming http://www-aml.cs.umass.edu/~jsmanic/unetpgm
- Online tutorial on Unix socket programming, using slides and audio,
from author James Kurose.
Tutorial on Java sockets http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-12-1996/jw-12-sockets.html
This tutorial presents an introduction to sockets programming and
shows how to write client/server applications in Java.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) http://www.w3.org/
The W3C was founded in 1994 to develop common protocols for the
evolution of the World Wide Web. This is an outstanding site with
fascinating information on emerging Web technologies, protocols, and
Web Protocols and Practice http://www.aw.com/catalog/academic/product/1,4096,0201710889,00.html
Web Protocols and Practice: HTTP/1.1, Networking Protocols, Caching,
and Traffic Measurement, a comprehensive and readable book by
Balachander Krishnamurthy and Jennifer Rexford on Web protocols and
related topics.
Cookie Central http://www.cookiecentral.com/
Everything you ever wanted to know about cookies, including how they
infringe on users' privacy.
The IMAP Connection http://www.imap.org/
Everything you always wanted to know about IMAP, including history,
direct access to relevant RFCs, and product information.
ISC BIND http://www.isc.org/products/BIND
DNS name servers use the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND)
software. You can learn about it (and download it) here.
Exploring Name Servers http://www.unhooked.net/cgi-bin/host
nslookup, host, and dig are client programs available for exploring
the contents of name servers in the Internet. Several sites, including
the one listed above, allow you to access these programs through a Web
browser. All of these programs mimic DNS clients. They send a DNS query
message to a name server (which can often be supplied by the user), and
they receive a corresponding DNS response. They then extract information
(e.g., IP addresses, whether the response is authoritative, etc.) and
present the information to the user.
Online Java Tutorial http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial
Do you what to learn Java before doing the programming exercises?
This is an excellent place to start.
Akamai Homepage http://www.akamai.com/
Homepage for leading Content Distribution Network (CDN) company.
Developers Site for Gnutella http://www.gnutelladev.com/
Includes links to source code as well as links to documentation of
the protocol.
Chapter 3:
Transport Layer
- Sally Floyd's Homepage
Sally Floyd maintains several excellent "pointers to literature"
pages, including pointers to papers in the following research areas:
Computer Networks Reference Page 1 |
Computer Networks Reference Page 2 |
 | Changes
proposed to TCP |
 | Global
Optimization with End-to-End Congestion Control |
 | Measurement
Studies of End-to-End Congestion Control in the Internet
 | Research
Questions for the Internet |
 | The
Evolvability of the Internet Infrastructure |
 | Layering and
the Internet Architecture |
- TCP Friendly Page
- This Web site summarizes some of the recent work on congestion
control algorithms for non-TCP based applications. It focuses on
congestion control schemes that use the "TCP-friendly" equation, (that
is, maintaining the arrival rate to at most some constant over the
square root of the packet loss rate).
- Research on TCP over Wireless Links
- Wireless links, which often have high bit error rates, can reek
havoc when carrying TCP traffic. This page points to the numerous
research papers that have tried to address the problems.
Chapter 4:
Network Layer and Routing
- Cyber Geography Research http://www.cybergeography.org/
- CyberGeography is the study of the spatial nature of computer
communications networks, particularly the Internet, the World-Wide Web
and other electronic "places" that exist behind our computer screens,
popularly referred to as cyberspace. The Cyber-Geography Research
initiative is directed by Martin Dodge, a geographer and enthusiastic
cyberspace explorer.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers http://www.icann.org/
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is
the non-profit corporation that was formed to assume responsibility for
the IP address space allocation, protocol parameter assignment, domain
name system management, and root server system management functions
previously performed under U.S. Government contract by IANA and other
Looking Glass Sites http://www.merit.edu/~ipma/tools/lookingglass.html
Provides access to BGP tables and traceroute sites.
Cisco http://www.cisco.com/
Cisco is the leader in router (and other networking) technologies.
They have many excellent online tutorials for many networking
technologies and products.
IPv6 Forum http://www.ipv6forum.com/ and the IPv6 Information
Page http://www.ipv6.org/
These sites provide extensive information about what's currently
happening with IPv6. These sites allow IPv6 enthusiasts to share
knowledge, promote IPv6 technologies and interoperability, and resolve
issues that create barriers to IPv6 deployment.
Chapter 5:
Link Layer and Local Area Networks
- Charles Spurgeon's Ethernet Web Site http://www.ethermanage.com/ethernet
- This site provides extensive information about Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)
LAN technology. This includes the original 10 Mbps system, 100 Mbps Fast
Ethernet (802.3u), 1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet (802.3z/802.3ab), and 10
Gigabit Ethernet (802.3ae).
Godred Fairhurst's Pages on LANs http://www.erg.abdn.ac.uk/users/gorry/eg3561/lan-pages/enet.html
Godred Fairhurst of the University of Aberdeen maintains a
comprehensive set of Web pages on Ethernet, CSMA/CD, bridges, ARP and
many other networking topics.
802.11 Planet.com http://www.80211-planet.com/
802. 11 Planet.com is a Web site devoted to products based on the
802.11 wireless networking protocol. With daily news, features, reviews,
and tutorials, this site covers all areas of the rapidly changing 802.11
Working Group for Wireless LAN Standards http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/11
This is the Web page for the working group that creates the wireless
LAN standards, including the standards for IEEE 802.11
Bluetooth Sites http://www.bluetooth.com/, http://www.bluetooth.org/
Visit these sites to learn about what's currently happening in the
Bluetooth arena.
Tutorials by Nitin Vaidya http://www.crhc.uiuc.edu/~nhv/presentations.html
This page provides access to several nice tutorials on wireless LANs
and ad hoc networking.
Chapter 6:
Multimedia Networking
- OpenH323 Project http://www.openh323.org/
- The OpenH323 project aims to create a full featured, interoperable,
Open Source implementation of the ITU H.323 teleconferencing protocol
that can be used by personal developers and commercial users without
PC-to-Phone Products http://www.dialpad.com/, http://www.net2phone.com/
Dialpad and Net2phone are two companies providing voice-over-IP
telephone service. Using their services and a microphone, you can call
an ordinary telephone from your PC.
Pulver.com http://www.pulver.com/
This site provides extensive information about what's currently
happening with voice over IP. The site allows voice-over-IP enthusiasts
to share knowledge, promote technologies and interoperability, and
resolve issues that create barriers to deployment.
Wimba http://www.wimba.com/
Wimba specializes in asynchronous voice over the Internet. Its
products include voice message boards, voice e-mail, and telephone/Web
Henning Schulzrinne's RTSP Page http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/rtsp
As discussed in the text, the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
allows to control multimedia streams. Control includes absolute
positioning within the media stream, recording and possibly device
Henning Schulzrinne's RTP Page http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/rtp
RTP is the Internet-standard protocol for the transport of real-time
data, including audio and video. It can be used for media-on-demand as
well as interactive services such as Internet telephony. RTP consists of
a data and a control part. The latter is called RTCP.
Henning Schulzrinne's SIP Page http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/sip
SIP, the Session Initiation Protocol, is a signaling protocol for
Internet conferencing, telephony, presence, events notification and
instant messaging.
Differentiated Services Working Group http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/diffserv-charter.html
This is the working group that creates standards for differentiated
Chapter 7:
Security in Computer Networks
- RSALabs FAQ Security http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/faq
- This Web page provides a nice introduction into encryption, with
particular emphasis on public-key encryption.
American Bar Associations Tutorial on Digital
Signatures http://www.abanet.org/scitech/ec/isc/dsg-tutorial.html
Even lawyers are in on it.
CERT Coordination Center http://www.cert.org/
The CERTŪ Coordination Center is a center of Internet security
expertise, located at the Software Engineering Institute, a federally
funded research and development center operated by Carnegie Mellon
University. Information on this sited ranges from protecting systems
against potential problems to reacting to current problems to predicting
future problems. The Center involves handling computer security
incidents and vulnerabilities, publishing security alerts, researching
long-term changes in networked systems, and developing information and
The International PGP Homepage http://www.pgpi.org/
The purpose of the International PGP Home Page is to promote the use
of PGP worldwide, and to be a resource pool for information on the PGP
program and the Open PGP standard. From this page, you can download the
latest version of PGP.
Netscape Security Center http://wp.netscape.com/security/index.html
Nice collection of pages on security, including an excellent
overview of SSL.
IPsec Working Group http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/ipsec-charter.html
This is the working group that creates standards for differentiated
Chapter 8:
Network Management
- Network Management Web Server http://netman.cit.buffalo.edu/
- Run by Jeff Murphy, it has links to products, papers, books, and
more in the area of network management.