This page
provides readings and some references on Object-Oriented (some
Analysis, Design) and (especially) Programming.
I'll be
adding documents and addresses
during the semester to this page. |
If you help me to construct this page by
sending some addresses and documents related to these subjects , I'll
appreciate. |
0. General
Object-Oriented Software Development
(Cetus links)
Software Engineering page.
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts from the Java Tutorial
1. Basic Java Language Materials
BasicJavaRefresher.pdf summarizes all of Java's basic features (18
pages long)
Here are the most important
Java handouts which go
through basic java in more detail, with one handout for each topic:
Strings, arrays, and so on (200 pages or so).
Learning the Java Language from
Java tutorial.
Collections tutorial.
Bruce Eckel's Java Book --
Thinking in Java,
in a free online form.
Glossary -- Roedy Green's wide ranging database of Java factoids and
Javadoc writing guide.
Java Class
API docs -- What you most often want when coding. Bookmark this
Sun docs -- official Sun Java doc home
First two chapters from our book
Java Ag Programcılığı
(There are some minor conversion problems in some figures in this PDF version)
Java Kitap Projesi
2. Object Oriented Design Process
Other References
Joseph Bergin, Professor of Computer
Science, Pace Universiy
Michael Kölling, Ph. D., One
of the authors of Objects First with Java, BlueJ Book