The best 3 projects for
each CENG/BILM 217 section: |
217 Teams
No |
Project Team Members |
Projects and Their Web Sites |
1 |
Emre Özoğlu, Ousmane Diallo, Ahmet
Faruk Bişkinler |
Death Rally |
2 |
Süleyman Doğan, Muhammed Fatih
Parmaksız, Fatih Okumuş, Mustafa Nural |
Game Of Emperors
(Chess Game) |
3 |
Ekrem Musaoglu, Erdal Okalin, Mehmet
Andiç, Göksel Topuz, Serhat Çeküç |
Cut Ali Cut
217 Teams
No |
Project Team Members |
Projects and Their Web Sites |
Ahmet İzgi, Ömer Kaşkaş, Selçuk Parlak,
Yusuf Kocaer, Vildan Gürtürk |
Tank Game
Hakan Baki Polat, Murat Arslan, Gürsoy
Gökçe, Servet Özmen |
3 |
Mustafa Ün,
İsmail Kendir, Said Ahmet Can, Ömer Eksi, Ümit Erdal |
All project demonstrations and evaluations
will be on Thursday, 5 January, between 9:00 and 12:30.
Check your demo time in the table given below.
This table will be updated, so your time may change, please check it...
You should come at least 30-45 minutes
before your demo time, your team may be called earlier depending on
the project presentations on Thursday. |
All team members must be in the lab at your
presentation time.
You should upload all your project work to
your project web site until 14:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 4. |
Your project team should evaluate the other
project teams after this time using the excel table given here:
Grading BILM 217
Projects, Grading
CENG 217 Projects |
By grading other sections' projects, you will
learn other projects, share your knowledge and experience with others,
choose the best project and give me some feedback for my grading. |
You should send your evaluation excel table
to your TA Melek Oktay by e-mail until 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 5. If your
evaluation is received after this time, you can not get a bonus grade
for project grading and can not vote for the best project. |
You can still continue on your project
until your project demo time after you have submitted your evaluation. |
You will choose the best project for
each section with your votes. The best projects will be rewarded by a
small gift... |
You should spend enough time to do a good
grading. You may get some bonus grade (5 points) for project
grading. The more your grading is close to my grading, the better
grade you will get for your grading
For the Audits and Metrics part of the
Grading BILM/CENG Projects document: If you want to get a full grade (8
points), try to use Together's Audits and Metrics feature to measure
your project code. If you want to be graded for a half grade (4 points)
prepare only a simple project contribution report document such
as this one. This document
must be prepared even you have given the Audits and Metrics report of
the Together.
Your web site must include the information
and the work products described in the
Project Web Site section of this page given below.
this CENG/BILM 217 Project Organization Model (A simple 3 Role
Model) to distribute project tasks in your project team. |
This model is ideal for a 5-member team
having 3 roles. You can also easily apply this model to 3 or 4 member
Welcome to the Projects Page of our course.
You will mainly get my project announcements from this page during the
project work, so try to visit it frequently. Melek will also make his
project announcements in his web pages. |
To get some good ideas, loot at
the projects at
this page and the
main project page of a similar course at the Bilkent University in
which the projects are currently in progress. |
These projects have quite similar
requirements and features like using Java, UML, Design Patterns,
Together UML modeling tool, ... |
section 3 of the same course. Some pages, like
this, may be helpful for you. |
this page to learn what your friends did about 2 years ago at Fatih
University in CENG 302 Software Engineering course... |
Get a Projects Ideas CD from your TA
this week on Tuesday. |
Send the names of your project team members
immediately, you can decide later about your project in one week. |
You as a team together will show your
project progress in your lab days on Thursdays and Fridays as all team
members are available in the lab to answer all questions about what you
have done. |
217 Teams
No |
Project Team Members |
Projects and Their Web Sites |
Time |
1 |
Tuğba Albayrak, Meryem Karzaoğlu,
Gülnur Özel |
Small Drawing Program |
9:00 |
2 |
Emre Özoğlu, Ousmane Diallo, Ahmet
Faruk Bişkinler |
Death Rally (2D car racing action game) (1st team on the web
!) |
9:15 |
3 |
Fatih Caglar, Omer Senkardes, Yasar
Ozdemır, Gokhan Arslan, Kahraman Erol |
Cinema |
9:30 |
4 |
Ekrem Musaoglu, Erdal Okalin, Mehmet
Andiç, Göksel Topuz, Serhat Çeküç |
Cut Ali Cut |
09:45 |
5 |
Süleyman Doğan, Muhammed Fatih
Parmaksız, Fatih Okumuş, Mustafa Nural |
Game Of Emperors
(Chess Game) |
10:00 |
6 |
Kenan Erkol, Emrah Gülkanat, Yeşim
Aydemir, Selim Uysal |
Tetris Game
10:15 |
7 |
Aysenur Özdağ, Güneş Güçlü, Nazife Özen |
Wending Machine
10:30 |
8 |
Cihan Ekin, Mustafa Bilgiç, Mehmet
Çokyılmaz, Serhat Coşar |
E-Commerce |
10:45 |
9 |
Fatih Ormanoglu, Hüsamettin Yüksel,
Kayhan Öztürk, Ruslan Basenov |
ATM Machine
Simulation |
11:00 |
217 Teams
No |
Project Team Members |
Projects and Their Web Sites |
Time |
1 |
İlker Yenitürk, Nisa Kanar, Dilek
Yilmaz, Cüneyt Şalli, Selçuk Özyurt |
Alışveriş Similasyonu (Shopping
Simulation) |
11:15 |
2 |
Hakan Baki Polat, Murat Arslan, Gürsoy
Gökçe, Servet Özmen |
11:30 |
3 |
Kübra Verdi, Esma Kömürcü, Rabia Özkan,
Zeynep Bahar Deniz, Neslihan Özyalın |
Hospital Program |
11:45 |
4 |
Ahmet İzgi, Ömer Kaşkaş, Selçuk Parlak,
Yusuf Kocaer, Vildan Gürtürk |
Tank Game |
12:00 |
5 |
Sedat Yagci, Bekir Karakas, Yasin Emre
Afacan, Arslan Aydin, Hakki Tekirdag |
Software for Bus Firms |
12:15 |
6 |
Emre Caglayan, Hasan Aka, Gökhan
Basturk |
Zar Atma (Dice Game) |
7 |
Mustafa Ün,
İsmail Kendir, Said Ahmet Can, Ömer Eksi, Ümit Erdal |
Shopping |
Project Calender and Grading
(Project has an
30 % percent affect on
overall course grading)
Project Work |
Date |
Percent |
Analysis Document |
First Draft: 15, 16 December
Final: 22, 23
December 2005 |
30 |
Design Document and
Implementation |
First Draft: 29, 30
December 2005
Final: 5, 6
January 2006 |
70 |
Projects for CENG/BILM
You will choose one of the projects listed
below or you can bring your own project to me to get my approval. |
I will update this Projects List and wait
for the new project names until Monday, 21, next week, then
announce the final project names on that day. You will choose your
project by sending an e-mail to me. |
Since each project team
(4 or 5 person team) will work on a different project, the projects
listed here will be given to the teams according to first-come first-served principle
(if you don't propose a project). |
The proposed projects are shown with a "*"
mark in the list. The project proposing team have a priority to choose
their proposal. |
Projects List
ATM machine having complex transactions, GUI components, and a
database (JDBC and for simplicity you can even use MS Access).
Voice Mail system
Wending machine
Traffic simulation
Elevator simulation
Student information
registration program
Library program
Hospital program
Software for bus
Online shopping
Small word
Small drawing
Small painting
Games such as:
Chess, Car Races, Tetris, ball games, ...
Death Rally (2D car
racing action game)
Project Web Site
A very important activity for any project is to design a
project web
This site will be a main
communication mechanism of your project team with me, your
TA and other teams.
Concentrate on the project and implementation.
Don't spent too much time on designing your web site and don't use
advanced web techniques, like scripts, dynamic web pages. If you have
experience on web design techniques, and, if you are fast to developed a
web site, that's OK. But don't try to learn advanced new web design
techniques... Just simple html pages are enough to publish your project
on the web! |
You will
post your work products to the web site and share your project, knowledge
and experience with other teams and friends... |
The typical contents of a project web site may include the following:
- The project name, team members including their photos, and their roles
in the project
- The short and long description of the project
- The starting date and deadline of the project
- The artifacts (work products) of the project:
- Analysis: Requirements Analysis
Document (RAD)
- Design: System
Architecture Document (SAD)
- Implementation:
Project implementation directory (example: Eclipse/JBuilder
directory) (fully commented and written professional source code)
Executable program directory (binaries, class files, ...) -
Coding Style: Code must be written following the Java coding
conventions (if your project is implemented in Java) -
Code Documentation: Use Javadoc style and generate an HTML
based API at the end
(for coding style and
code documentation see this
- Read me file including information and instructions for running
your program
- Audits and Metrics for source code -
Test Document - User Manual - Web links and other related resources for the project topic - The new topics and techniques learned during the project, (which were
not given in our course or other lectures). - The lessons learned during the project
and advices to make future projects better...
-- Some more other things which are not mentioned here, and maybe
important and interesting ... Of
course, do it if you have put the main project information and work
products described above, and have
time and energy !?