This is an introduction course to basic concepts of object oriented programming using Java. The students will improve their problem solving skills and learn more programming techniques, and start learning sophisticated integrated development environments. Some of the topics covered in this course include essentials of the Java programming language, some basic concepts of object oriented programming, event driven programming, fundamentals of graphical user interface programming, multithreading, files and streams. CENG 101
(Tentative) Attendance: Attendance is important in order to learn the topics in a timely manner. Attendance will be forced by taking attendance and by making quizzes at random times. Quizzes: There will short quizzes at random times. I may not inform you about the quizzes. A quiz may be done at any time during a lecture period. Programming Assignments: The programming homeworks will be assigned and graded by your TA. Midterm Exams: There will be 2 midterm exams. The dates and times will be announced on the web and in class. Final Exam: There will be one final exam that will be given during final exams period of the semester. Makeup Exam: Depending on the need (for officially reported or extraordinary cases) I may make a makeup exam. But I should warn you that makeup exam will be much more difficult than the other exams in order to provide fairness for students who work on time and take the exam on time, and discourage students from unnecessarily omitting the exams. We will be very careful in
grading the projects,
exams so that everybody
gets the grade that he/she deserves.