This page provides dynamic
information and materials for the lecture, as
it becomes available; please check it at least once
in a week.
Lecture Announcements
The midterm exam date:
12/December/2002, Thursday. It is an open book exam. You should bring
your text books and other related materials to the exam. Book and notes
sharing in the exam will not be allowed
You will take a short quiz (30 minutes) on
Thursday, 21, in the class. Before the first midterm exam, you will be
studying the exam topics by taking such short quizzes . The similar
questions will be asked in the midterm exam
Starting from this week, the lectures will be on Thursdays in
class (E302) and the lab sessions will be on Mondays. Please come to class on Thursday, 31st of October.
You will take your second quiz on Monday, 4th of November (31/Oct/2002).
You can get the passwords of the zip files containing the homework
solutions from the assistant, Kerziban
Mumcu. She is your solution point especially for your practical
issues (18/Oct/2002).
In your
first assignments, your programs did not follow the recommended C style and
coding techniques. I tried to give you some important ones in the lab
session. But there are also many other important principles for writing good
C programs. Actually, you will use many of these principles in your other
programming languages, like Java, that you will learn later. This is very
important to develop good programming skills.
I put two good reference guides below at the References section. These are
in the PDF file format, so you need the Acrobat Reader program to read these
Please start reading these two files and use these principles in your
programs. If your programs are not written following the C style and coding
techniques, generally they will not be graded or your grade will be affected
very much! (10/October/2002)
Look at
your first homework assignment which is given below. It is due on this
Thursday (7/October/2002).
Please come
to the computer lab with your textbooks at 1:00. You will write, compile and
execute the programs you have seen in class in the Borland C++ Builder 5.0
environment (3/October/2002).
Homeworks, Lecture Notes
homework assignments will be posted on this web page.
Assignment #4: Do the following exercises from the book: 4.34, 4.36,
5.9, 5.26, 5.31, 5.37, 6.15, 6.21. You will show the correctness of your
programs in the lab on monday (18/November/2002).
Assignment #3: Do the following exercises from the book: 2.26, 3.18,
3.35, 3.44, 4.9, 4.18, 4.30, 4.40. You will show the correctness of your
programs in the lab on monday (4/November/2002).
Assignment #2: Do the following exercises from the book: 2.30, 2.31,
3.21, 3.24, 3.26, 4.19, 4.26, 4.31. You will show the
correctness of your programs in the lab on thursday (17/October/2002).
Assignment #1: Do the following exercises from the book: 2.16,
2.19, 2.21 and 3.17. You will show the
correctness of your programs in the lab on THIS thursday
and get your first assignment grade. (10/October/2002)
Exam Questions and Solutions
C Style Guide, Software Engıneerıng Laboratory Serıes
(PDF file).
C Style and Coding Standards (PDF file).
The C
programming Language, 1998 Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M.
Ritchie, Prentice-Hall.
in C++, 2nd Edition by Bruce Eckel,
Free Electronic Book, Vol.
1 & Vol 2.
Charlie Calvert's Borland, C++Builder Unleashed
Swan's Mastering Borland C++ 5, Third Edition, 1996 Tom Swan, MacMillan.