Fatih University, Computer Engineering
Fall Semester
Monday 11:00 -
13:00, Thursday 13:00 - 15:00, E302 |
Instructor: Halûk
Gümüşkaya |
Teaching Assistant:
Kerziban Mumcu |
EA301 |
EA 202 |
Office hours:
Tue 13-14, Wed 14-15, Thur 15-16 |
Office hours:
.... |
Office phone:
0.212.889 0810-1036 |
Office phone:
1118 |
e-mail: haluk@fatih.edu.tr |
e-mail: kmumcu@fatih.edu.tr |
Static Information: |
Dynamic Information: |
Projects |
Academic Integrity |
Course Description
The objectives of
this course are to develop a basic understanding of programming concepts
and to apply them
in the C programming language. Structured
programming concept is introduced. Program control,
functions, arrays, pointers, characters and strings, formatted input/output,
structures, unions, bit manipulations and enumerations and file processing are covered.
Good programming style is emphasized throughout the course.
Lecture Schedule
This is the
weekly schedule. Please
check it once before the lecture.
Introduction to Computers
2. Introduction to C Programming
3. Structured Program Development in
4. Program Control
5. Functions
6. Arrays
7. Pointers
8. Characters and Strings
9. Formatted Input and Output
10. Structures, Unions, Bit
Manipulations and Enumerations
11. File Processing
C:How to
Program, H. M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel, Prentice-Hall, Third Edition, 2000.
The C Programming Language,
Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, Prentice Hall
PTR, 1998.
This is a very good, concise book that is written by the designers of the C
programming language. Must have book for people who are interested in
serious C programming.
One midterm, assignments,
one final exam. Dates and times will be announced on the web and in
class. All exams will be open textbook only (no other books or notes.) There
will be a single makeup exam that may be taken only by those who missed an
exam due to documented medical reasons.
The grade
for CENG
101 is calculated
30 % :
Lab Assignments
20 % :
20 % : Midterm
(near the middle of the course)
30 % : Final Exam (a
comprehensive exam at the end of the course)
Integrity and Implicit Student Agreement