Gediz University, Computer Engineering
Lecture: 10:00 -
12:45, AZ02 Lab: 13:45 - 15:30 |
Instructor: Halûk
Gümüşkaya |
Teaching Assistant:
Yavuz İnce |
D107 |
.... |
Office Hours:
Mon, Wed, Thur: 13:00 - 13:45 |
Office Hours: |
0232-355 0000 - 2305 |
Phone: 2321
e-mail: haluk.gumuskaya@gediz.edu.tr |
yavuz.ince@gediz.edu.tr |
Laboratory: |
Course Description
Data representation, number systems,
arithmetic operations, Boolean algebra, logic functions and theorems, logic
gates, canonical forms, simplification techniques, design of combinational
circuits, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, arithmetic circuits, sequential
circuits, design of sequential circuits and the algorithmic state machine,
timing and timing problems, programmable logic devices, registers and
register operations, buses and 3-state logic, basics of memory, SRAM and
DRAM, introduction to basic computer organization and design.
Lecture Schedule
syllabus (Course Inforamtion Form) given to students at
the beginning of the semester. |
The lecture and lab schedules
given in the syllabus are tentative and updated
here weekly. Look at
this table once a week. |
all the slides used during the semester will be available via the
following links or given to you. |
I may skip several slides during the lecture (The
slides given would be generally too much!). They are included in the
course material for completeness and to provide a good reference for your
future professional engineering life. |
follow the lecture and understand the materials presented in class
better, get the lecture slides and take the print-outs of them, and
please bring them
to class. |
Purposes for bringing slides to class: 1) To allow better concentration in lecture by reducing
note-taking pressure and to provide a study-aid before and after lecture. |
2) You can
take your notes on these slides and be active
during the lecture. You digest material much better when you actively
take notes from step-to-step demonstrations given by your
instructor than by just sitting and watching slides. |
Disclaimers: (a) I
may not follow these
slides exactly in class (b) I may also use
the whiteboard and give some extra notes which will not be posted here
as needed in class (c) Students are responsible for what I say
and teach in class. (d) Reading these slides is
not a substitute for attending lecture |
W |
D |
Lec |
Topics Covered |
Lab |
HW |
1 |
27/09 |
Lec 1 |
Introduction: Digital and
Binary Data Representation, DD Chp. 1 |
2 |
4/10 |
Lec 2 |
Combinational Logic Design: Switches,
Transistors, Logic
Gates, Boolean Algebra, DD Chp. 2.1-2.5 |
3 |
11/10 |
Lec 3
Lec 4 |
Truth Tables, Canonical Forms,
Combinational Logic Design Process, Examples, DD Chp. 2.6-2.8 |
HW1 |
4 |
18/10 |
Lec 5
Lec 6 |
More Gates, Decoders and MUXes,
Non-ideal Behavior, DD Chp. 2.9, 2.10 |
Lab1 |
5 |
25/10 |
Lec 7 |
Combinational Logic Optimizations and Tradeoffs, DD Chp. 6.1, 6.2 |
Lab2 |
6 |
1/11 |
Lec 8 |
Sequential Logic Design:
Controllers: Latches & Flip-Flops, Basic
Register, Clocking, DD Chp. 3.1-3.2 |
Lab3 |
7 |
8/11 |
No classes,
Kurban Bayram week |
8 |
15/11 |
Midterm Exam I: 10:00
Lab Tutorial: 13:00: Introduction to Logic Design using
BASYS 2 FPGA boards and Verilog |
Lab |
9 |
22/11 |
FSMs, Controller design, examples,
non-ideal behavior, Verilog modeling, DD Chp. 3.2, 3.4, 3.5,
3.8 |
Lab4 |
10 |
29/11 |
Lec 9 |
Datapath Components: Registers, adders, |
Lab |
11 |
6/12 |
Comparator, multiplier, DD Chp. 4.1-4.5
Signed numbers, subtractors,
ALUs, shifters, counters, timers, register file, Verilog
modeling, DD Chp. 4.6-4.10, 4.13 |
Lab |
12 |
13/12 |
10 |
Register-Transfer Level (RTL)
Design: High-level state machines HLSM, RTL design
process, examples, DD Chp. 5.1-5.3 |
Lab5 |
HW2 |
13 |
20/12 |
Midterm Exam II: 10:00 |
14 |
27/12 |
RTL design (continued), clock
frequency, behavioral design, memory, RAM, ROM, DD DD Chp.
5.4-5.7 |
Lab6 |
HW3 |
15 |
3/01 |
Queues/FIFO, multiple
processors, heirarchy, Verilog modeling, DD Chp. 5.6-5.10,
5.13 |
Lab7 |
10/01 |
Final Exam |
Digital Design and Computer Architecture, D. Harris, S. Harris,
Morgan Kaufmann, 2007. |
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals,
4th Ed., M. Morris Mano, C. Kime, Prentice Hall, 2008. |
Digital Design, 4th
Ed., M. Morris Mano, M. D. Ciletti, Prentice Hall, 2007. |
Tools and Development Environments
In order to pass EEE 251,
students must show minimum competence in the exams. Any student
who does not have a weighted average of 35.0 or greater for
midterm and final exams will receive an automatic grade of FF, for
lack of minimum competence.
The weighted average will be calculated as follows: (0.25 x
Midterm Exams + 0.35 x Final Exam) / 0.60 |
Students who fail to attend at
least 70% of the classes will receive a grade of FF.
Students must not miss more than 2 lab sessions (80% of the lab
sessions), or they will receive a grade of FF. |
Students who meet the above
requirements will have their numerical course average calculated
with the following weights:
Labs: 30%
Homework: 10%
Midterm Exam1: 10%
Midterm Exam2: 15% Final Exam: 35%
From the numerical course
average grades, the students who meet the above two requirements,
letter grades ranging from AA to FF will be determined in the usual
way (taking into account overall performance and distribution of the
scores, class and lab participation and effort, as well as the
attendance (in class and lab) of the student. |
We will be very careful in
grading the labs,
homework assignments,
exams so that everybody
gets the grade that he/she deserves.
Copying will not be tolerated and will be
and punished
rigorously. |