Labs are primarily in-class
activities, where assistance from fellow students, TAs, and instructors
is available. |
You are allowed to help
other students and get help from other students on labs (and labs only).
Labs should be checked by a
TA before you leave class. |
In the case that you do not
complete the lab in class, they must be checked by a TA, during their
normal office hours, within a week of the class lab session.
Late labs receive zero
credit. |
Late Homework or Project
The assignments must be
turned in on time with a penalty of 10% per day late, starting
the minute it is late. |
Laptop and Phone Policy
Please close all laptops
and phones at the beginning of class. |
Student use of mobile
devices during class is at the discretion of the instructor.
The default is have them
available for labs or in-class exercises, but to leave them closed
otherwise. |
When permitted, they should
only be used to enhance class involvement and learning. |
No email, chat, or other
non-class related surfing is permitted. |
Using mobile phones and
other distractions are unprofessional behavior and are forbidden in
class. |
Role of TAs
We hope and intend that the
TAs will provide you with valuable assistance.
TAs should:
Be present for office
hours. |
Be helping students during
office hours, not doing their own work. |
Help you understand the
project assignments and class topics |
Help you with general
questions concerning your project assignment code. |
Help you go over what your
code should or should not be doing. |
Grade your projects within
a week of submission
TAs should not:
Find your code bugs and fix
your code for you. |
Show you their version of
the code. |
TAs are also very busy students, and may not
reply to your questions by email, chat, phone, Facebook, Twitter, SMS, smoke
signal, or telepathy.
Except if they invite you
to contact them. |
Don't abuse the offer.
If you have complements or problems with the TAs assistance:
The instructors definitely
want to know about it. |
Please tell us about it
before or after class, or during office hours. |
Policy on Complaints about
Grading mistakes may occur.
Please see your exam
papers, assignments and projects, and learn how your work has been
graded (within 1 week after grades have been announced).
Please contact the TA who
graded your assignment about grading mistakes. |
It will be up to the TA to
handle the complaint. |
If you are still not
satisfied with the TA's grade please contact your instructor.
Our initial reaction will
be to support the TA's grade. |
In some cases, however, we
might agree with the student and ask for the grade to be adjusted.
Please make any grading
concerns known to your instructor or the TA immediately (within 1
week). |
Set up an appointment with
your instructor or the TA and get the matter resolved. |
 | Attendance, Discussion and
Contribution (ADC): Attendance is very important to learn the topics in a timely
manner. It will be forced by taking attendance.
 | Question: Why is attendance
taken? Answer: It is taken for ... |
- You can learn the topics in class in a shot time
in a timely manner.
If you ask questions, and make some contributions to the course, you
improve your some personal skills, like public speaking and
self confidence, and as a consequence you feel good about yourself. You
don't feel guilty and worry for not being in class. You are noticed by your instructor and
may get his reference later, ....
As a result of all these, if you feel good about yourself (and
others), you produce good results.
- People
who cares about you, and pays your tuition
- Your
friends - The number of students in class and their contributions affect
the quality of the lectures
- Your
instructor - Attendance may affect the morale of the instructor
and the quality of the lecture
(The Council of Higher Education of the Republic of Turkey),
University, Faculty, Department
 | My
Algorithm for Explaining Attendance Policy and
Solving Attendance Problems
The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly
(İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin)
v 0.2
The GOOD GUY Algorithm: if your course attendance > %70,
and if your final cumulative grade is near the boundary of a letter
grade { You may get a higher letter
grade; // This depends on how near the grade is if you have
asked some questions
and made some small contributions to the course, you
generally get a higher letter grade; }
The BAD GUY Algorithm: if your attendance < %70
and if you could not get good grades,
you cannot take the final exam and you get NA;
if your attendance < %70 (even your attendance may be 0 %) and
if you get good grades in midterms, homework assignments, and labs { that's very good,
congratulations, you have learned what this course teaches or you already know
the course topics, you can get the final exam;
(After the final exam) if your final cumulative grade is near the
boundary of a letter grade,
I do nothing Good or Bad, you get what your cumulative grade deserves;
} The UGLY GUY Algorithm: if you have spoiled the classroom atmosphere a couple of times
during the semester by some misbehaviors { if your behaviors can not be tolerated, an
official action is taken;
if your final cumulative grade is near the
boundary of a letter grade
do nothing Good or Bad, you get what your cumulative grade deserves;
} |
Policy on Collaboration
and Cheating
Collaboration is not permitted in this
class. Cheating will be treated very seriously. |
Everything turned in for grading in this
course must be your own work. The instructor reserves the right to
question a student orally or in writing and to use his evaluation of the
student’s understanding of the assignment and of the submitted solution
as evidence of cheating. Violations will be reported to the Honor
Council for consideration for punitive action. By Department policy,
students found to be in violation of this rule will, at the very least,
receive a failing grade in the course and may be subject to stiffer
penalties. |
The following are OK:
Discussing the requirements
of the project as long as no code is discussed |
Discussing general
approaches to solving the project as long as no code is discussed |
Finding code samples from
the textbook and class handouts.
The following are considered cheating:
Discussing code |
Showing anyone your
and looking at anyone else's work |
Having anyone else produce
work for you |
Having anyone else correct
your work for you |
work you find on
the web
A student who shares
with another student will be treated the same as the person who does the
copying. Keep your own work safe. |
The first instance of
cheating, whether on a test or homework project, will result in a
failing grade for the course, and possible expulsion from the program.
In addition to any
penalties imposed by the instructor, including failing the course, all
cheating and plagiarism infractions will be reported in writing to the
Associate Dean for the program, the Associate Dean of Faculty, the Dean
of Student Affairs, and the Dean. They will review and determine if
expulsion should be recommended. The report will become part of the
student’s permanent record. |
The appropriate people to
refer to for help in homework projects are the TAs and the instructors.
They can look at your work and help you with it. See them during office
hours. |
General Academic Integrity
We will be very careful in
grading the projects, homeworks,
exams so that everybody
gets the grade that he/she deserves. Copying will not be tolerated and will be checked and punished rigorously.
The Gediz
University has a very strict policy on
academic dishonesty. All work on homeworks and
examinations must be strictly individual. Violations of this policy will
result in an F grade for the class and may result in suspension/expulsion
from the university.
You must do all of the homework
assignments for grading individually (and the exams, of course).
In preparing the solutions for assignments, you may consult with
other students, the teaching assistants and myself regarding the general
method of solutions. However, the final submission handed in for grading
must be your own work. Copying the solutions of others is expressly
forbidden. Allowing others to copy your solutions is expressly forbidden.
Penalties for violation of this will range from a grade of zero on
the assignment, a reduced grade for the semester, to a grade of F for the
course, and a letter to the Office of the Dean.