Gediz University, Computer Engineering
Monday: 09:00 -
11:45, D-115
Labs: Monday: Lab A:
13:00 - 14:45, Lab B:
15:00 - 16:45,
Network Lab |
Instructor: Halûk
Gümüşkaya |
Gökhan Akyol |
D107 |
Teaching Assistant:
Serhan Can Özgün, Said Kassım
Office Hours:
Mon-Wed: 13:00 -
14:00 |
e-mail: haluk.gumuskaya@gediz.edu.tr |
Dymamic Pages: |
Course Description
An overview of OSI and
TCP/IP models and Internet architecture. Packet switching and circuit
switching network technologies. Delay, loss and throughput in
packet-switched networks. Analyzing network packets using a network
analyzer program and network designs in a network modeling and
simulation environment. Application Layer: Introduction to socket
programming, application layer protocols: DNS, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3,
and peer-to-peer networking. Transport Layer: Principles of reliable
data transfer, TCP and UDP protocols, flow control and congestion
control. Network Layer: IP protocol and addressing. Routing Algorithms:
Link State, Distance Vector, Hierarchical Routing, Routing in the
Internet: RIP, OSPF, BGP protocols. Broadcast and multicast routing.
Introduction to data link protocols, and local area networks: Ethernet
and IEEE 802.11 protocols.

The Internet
Protocol Hourglass
362 is a one-semester
introduction to computer networking theory, applications,
and programming with a focus on the Internet and its
applications. It covers networking topics beginning from the
application-layer then going down the protocol stack (a
top-down approach), allowing computer engineering students
to quickly write networking applications while learning the
theory and practice of computer networking.
This course provides an
introduction to fundamental concepts in the design and
implementation of computer communication networks, their
protocols, and applications. Examples will be drawn primarily
from the Internet protocol suite (e.g. HTTP, SMTP, TCP, UDP, IP)
using, a Network Simulation Program, a network protocol
analyzer program,
and the Java programming
In this course,
you will learn
TCP/IP layers
(Internet Architecure), how the Internet works, and IP
packets journey from the Application Layer down to
Transport Layer, Network Layer, Data Link Layer and Physical Layer
through net past routers, firewalls and transatlantic cables and
wireless communication media.
It will be
interesting to watch the following 13:00 minute
Warriors-of-the-Net movie before we start this journey. You can
watch the movie from
here. |
MATH 210 Probability and Statistics
A basic understanding of
data structures and algorithms (COM 201/202) and COM 341 Operating
Systems |
COM 102 Object Oriented Programming
Lecture Schedule
This is the tentative lecture schedule.
Please check this page at least once a week during the semester. |
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach,
5th Edition,
L. Peterson and
B. Davie, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011. |
Data and
Computer Communication (9th Edition),
William Stallings,
Prentice Hall, 2011. |
Computer Networks,
5th Edition, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall, 2010. (4th
Ed. Link) |
Computer Networking with
Internet Protocols, William Stallings, Prentice Hall, 2003. |
Java Ağ Programcılığı,
Haluk Gümüşkaya, Ömer Boyacı, 720 sayfa, 1. Baskı: Haziran 2003, ALFA.
(TCP/UDP Socket programming examples, and other chapters on Java I/O
Streams and Mutithreading from this book are very useful to understand
network programming concepts in Java.) |
20 % : Labs
20 % :
Midterm I
25 % :
Midterm II
35 % : Final Exam