Journal Publications and Book Chapters |
O. Toker, H. Gümüşkaya, C. Ulaş, B. T. Yılmaz, Lightweight
Wireless Protocol Based on IEEE 802.11 for Delay Sensitive Telerobotic
Systems, Turkısh Journal of Electrıcal Engıneerıng and Computer Scıences,
Vol. 21, pp. 1394-1410, 2013. -
U. Şimşek,
H. Gümüşkaya, Using
PRINCE2 Project Management Methodology to Develop SOA Based Applications,
Emerging Trends in Computing, Informatics,
Systems Sciences, and Engineering,
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Series, Vol. 151, Springer,
pp 891-902, 2013. -
O. Karan, C. Bayraktar, H. Gümüşkaya, B. Karlık,
Diabetes using Neural Networks on Small Mobile Devices,
Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, Vol. 39, Issue 1, 2012,
pp. 54-60, 2012. -
Akbaş, H. Gümüşkaya, Real
and OPNET Modeling and Analysis of an Enterprise Network and Its Security
Procedia Computer Science,
Volume 3, p.p. 1038-1042,
2011. -
Ö. Önder, H.
Gümüşkaya, Architectural
Platform: A Social Network Site for Architects,
Procedia Computer Science,
Volume 3, p.p. 469-473,
2011. -
C. Bayraktar, O. Karan, H. Gümüşkaya, Diagnosing
Internal Illnesses using Neural Networks and Pervasive Healthcare Computing,
Procedia Computer Science,
Volume 3, p.p. 584-588, 2011. -
C. Ulaş, H. S. Efendioğlu, O. Toker, H. Gümüşkaya,
Sensitive Wireless Protocols for Telerobotics Applications,
Journal of Networking Technology, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 118-125, Sep.
2010. -
H. Gümüşkaya, M. V. Nural, S. Doğan, A
Software Solution for Mobile Context Handoff in WLANs, Novel
Algorithms and Techniques in Telecommunications and Networking,
Springer, pp. 305 309, January 2010.
H. Gümüşkaya, M. V. Nural, Service-Oriented
Context-Awareness and Context-Aware Services, Advances in Computer
and Information Sciences and Engineering, Springer, pp. 184 189,
August 2008.
B. Yurday, H. Gümüşkaya, A
Service Oriented Reflective Wireless Middleware, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, vol. 4294, pp. 545 556,
H. Gümüşkaya, An
Architecture Design Process Using a Supportable Meta-Architecture and
Roundtrip Engineering, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),
Springer-Verlag, vol. 4243, pp. 324-333, 2006.
H. Gümüşkaya, H. Hakkoymaz, WiPoD
Wireless Positioning System Based on 802.11 WLAN Infrastructure, Enformatika, Vol. 9, pp. 126-130, November, 2005.
H. Gümüşkaya, Core Issues Affecting Software
Architecture in Enterprise Projects, Enformatika, Vol. 9, pp. 32-37,
November, 2005.
A. Atik, H. Gümüşkaya, Ö. Genç, S. Kazancı, Java
Mobile Agent System, Advances in Computer and Information Sciences'98,
Concurrent Systems Engineering Series, Volume 53, IOS Press, October
1998, pp. 490-497, ISBN: 90-5199-405-2.
Conference Publications
and Presentations |
U. Üntürk, S. Özcan, H. Gümüşkaya, TweetCuriosity: A
Simple Preprocessing and Analyzing Tool for Twitter Data, 2014
International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems
Sciences, and Engineering, December 12 - 14, 2014. -
U. Üntürk, S. Özcan, H. Kusetoğulları, H. Gümüşkaya,
Hadoop Based Distributed Parallel System for Effective Face Recognition,
3rd International Symposium on Computing in Science and Engineering
(ISCSE 2013), Kuşadası, Aydın, October, 24-25, 2013.
G. Akyol, H. Gümüşkaya, A Classification of Recent
Approaches in Computer Networking Laboratories for Computer Engineering, 3rd International Symposium on Computing in Science and Engineering
(ISCSE 2013), Kuşadası, Aydın, October, 24-25, 2013.
B. T. Yılmaz, H. Gümüşkaya, O. Toker, A Lightweight
Wireless Protocol Based on IEEE 802.11 for a Robot Car, 2nd International Symposium on Computing in Science and Engineering
(ISCSE 2011), Kuşadası, Aydın, June, 1-4, 2011. -
U. Şimşek,
H. Gümüşkaya, Using PRINCE2 Project Management
Methodology to Develop SOA Based Applications,
2010 International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and
Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2010), December 3 - 12, 2010. -
C. Bayraktar, O. Karan, H. Gümüşkaya, B. Karlık, Diyabet
Hastalığının Teşhisinde Yaygın Hesaplamanın ve Yapay Sinir Ağlarının
Kullanılması, ELECO'2010, Elektrik Elektronik Bilgisayar
Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Bursa, 2-6 Aralık 2010. -
Akbaş, H. Gümüşkaya, Bir
Kurumsal Ağın ve Güvenlik Yapılarının Modellenmesi,
Elektrik Elektronik Bilgisayar Mühendisliği
Sempozyumu, Bursa, 2-6 Aralık 2010. -
Akbaş, H. Gümüşkaya, Real and OPNET
Modeling and Analysis of an Enterprise Network and Its Security Structures,
World Conference on Information Technology, Istanbul, 06-10 October
Ö. Önder, H. Gümüşkaya, Architectural Platform:
A Social Network Site for Architects,
World Conference on Information Technology, Istanbul, 06-10 October
C. Bayraktar, O. Karan, H. Gümüşkaya, Diagnosing Internal Illnesses using
Neural Networks and Pervasive Healthcare Computing,
World Conference on Information Technology, Istanbul, 06-10 October
C. Ulaş,
H. S. Efendioğlu, O. Toker, H. Gümüşkaya, Delay Sensitive Wireless
Protocols for Telerobotics Applications, The Third International
Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies
(ICADIWT 2010), pp. 10-16, İstanbul, Turkey, July 12-14, 2010. -
Karan, C. Bayraktar, H. Gümüşkaya, B. Karlık, Diagnosing Illnesses using
Neural Networks and Pervasive Healthcare Computing, 1st International
Symposium on Computing in Science and Engineering (ISCSE), Kuşadası,
Aydın, June, 3-5, 2010. -
Toker, C. Ulaş, H. S. Efendioğlu, H. Gümüşkaya, Embedded Systems for Delay
Sensitive Wireless Protocol Development and Analysis for Telerobotics
Applications, Int. Conf. on Wireless Networks 2009 (ICWN'09), Las
Vegas, NV, U.S.A., July 2009. -
Gümüşkaya, M. V. Nural, S. Doğan, A Software Solution for Mobile Context
Handoff in WLANs, Fourth International Conference on Telecommunications
and Networking (TeNe 08), 5-13 December 2008.
Gümüşkaya, A. V. Gürel, M. V. Nural, Ortamdan-Haberdar Bir Sistem İçin
Mobil Ağ Yazılım Mimarileri, 2. Ulusal Yazılım Mimarisi Konferansı (UYMK 2008), Ege Üniversitesi,
İzmir, 11-12 Eylül 2008.
Gümüşkaya, A. V. Gürel, M. V. Nural, Küçük Mobil Cihazlarda Kablosuz Ağlar
Üzerinde SOAP, RMI ve TCP Performans Analizi, 2. Ulusal Yazılım Mimarisi
Konferansı (UYMK 2008), Ege Üniversitesi, İzmir, 11-12 Eylül 2008.
Gümüşkaya, A. V. Gürel, M. V. Nural, Architectures
for Small Mobile Communication Devices and Performance Analyses, First IEEE International Conference on the Applications of Digital
Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2008), pp. 342 347, Ostrava,
Czech Republic, 4-6 August 2008.
Gümüşkaya, M. V. Nural, Service-Oriented Context-Awareness and
Context-Aware Services, Third International Conference on Systems,
Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (SCSS2007), 3-12 December
2007. -
Bilgi, H. Gümüşkaya, Design
Issues for Supportable Enterprise Web Architecture using Frameworks, Turkish Software Architecture Design Workshop (TSAD), September 24,
2005, ODTÜ Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi, Ankara. -
O. Davulcu, H.
Gümüşkaya, A Secure Mobile Agent Architecture for E-Commerce
Applications, International Symposium on Computer and Information
Sciences XVI (ISCIS16), pp. 336-343, November 5-7, 2001, Antalya. -
İ. Levent, H. Gümüşkaya, Distributed Project Management with Java Mobile
Agents on the Web, International Symposium on Computer and Information
Sciences XV (ISCIS15), pp. 238-245, October, 11-13, 2000, İstanbul. -
İ. Levent, H. Gümüşkaya, Distrubuted Project Management Using Mobile
Agents, Bilişim 2000, 6-9 Eylül 2000, İstanbul.
O. Adalıer, H. Gümüşkaya, Centralized Policy-Based Management of VPN
Devices Using SNMPv3, 5th Computer Networks Symposium (BAS2000), pp.
113-121, Ankara, Bilkent University, 15-16 Haziran 2000.
O. Adalıer, H. Gümüşkaya, A. Kaşlı, IP Tabanlı Sanal Özel Ağlarda SNMPv3
ile Anahtar Yönetimi, IEEE 2000 Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı
(IEEE SİU2000), Sayfa: 233-238, Antalya, Belek, 12-14 Haziran 2000.
H. Gümüşkaya, O. Davulcu, E. Akbaş, T. Dursun, A CORBA and Java
Mobile Agents Based Network Management Architecture, International
Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences XIV (ISCIS14), pp.
975-982, October 18-20, 1999, Kuşadası, İzmir.
H. Gümüşkaya, E. Akbaş, T. Dursun, O. Davulcu, Utilization of CORBA, Mobile
Agents, Java, and Web Technologies for Network Management, Reginal
Conference on Millitary Communication and Information Systems '99, Vol.
3, pp. 25-34, October 6-8 , 1999, Zegrze, Poland.
H. Gümüşkaya, T. Dursun, H. Er, A Mobile Multi-Agent System Architecture
for Intelligent Information Retrieval on the Web, 8. Turkish Symposium
on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (TAINN99), June 23-25,
1999, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul.
H. Gümüşkaya, S. Çetin, Sinyal ve Görüntü İşleme İçin Web ve Java Tabanlı
Bir Mimari, IEEE 1999 Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı (IEEE SİU
99), Sayfa: 493-498, 16-19 Haziran 1999, Bilkent, Ankara.
H. Gümüşkaya, Ü. Şair, G. Çiftçi, An Infrastructure for Collaborative
Distance Education Over Internet, 4th Computer Networks Symposium
(BAS99), pp. 77-84, May 20-21, 1999, Istanbul Technical University,
T. Dursun, H. Gümüşkaya, A Java Mobile Agents Based Network Management
Architecture, 4th Computer Networks Symposium (BAS99), pp. 112-120,
May 20-21, 1999, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul.
Akyol, Düşük Maliyetli ve Öğretim Açısından Verimli Bir Bilgisayar
Ağları Laboratuvar Tasarımı ve Gerçekleştirilmesi, Gediz
Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sistem Mühendisligi Yüksek Lisans
Programı, Haziran 2014. -
Canan Bayraktar, Yaygın Hesaplama Kullanılarak Hastalıkların Teşhisi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi,
Haliç Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü-Yönetim Bilişim
Sistemleri Programı, Eylül 2011
Doruk Tolga Atasoy,
Hastalık Teşhisi için Kurumsal Uygulama Arayüzleri ve Perofmans
Analizleri, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Haliç Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar
Mühendisliği Bölümü, Haziran 2011 -
Orhan Tarıkulu,
CMMI'ın Bir Türk Bankacılık Sektöründe Uygulanması ve Analizi, Yüksek
Lisans Tezi, Haliç Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü-Yönetim
Bilişim Sistemleri Programı, Haziran 2011 -
Umut Şimşek,
CMMI Rehberliğinde PRINCE2 ile Servis Odaklı Mimari Tabanlı Uygulama
Geliştirme, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Haliç Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar
Mühendisliği Bölümü, Şubat 2011 -
Özerk Önder, Mimarlara Yönelik Bir Sosyal Ağ Sitesinin Tasarımı ve Geliştirilmesi,
Mimari Platform, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Haliç Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar
Mühendisliği Bölümü, Temmuz 2010
Deniz Akbaş,
Kurumsal Ağın ve Güvenlik Yapılarının Modellenmesi ve Analizi, Haliç
Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü-Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri
Programı, Temmuz 2010 -
Ahmet Volkan Gürel,
A Service Oriented Reflective Middleware for Pervasive Computing,
Fatih University, Computer Engineering Department, July 2008. -
Bora Yurday, Service Oriented Reflective Wireless Middleware (SORWiM), Fatih
University, Computer Engineering Department, September 2006. -
Osman Davulcu,
Open Secure Mobile Agent System, Marmara University, Computer
Engineering Department, January 2002.