12/20/10 |
Catalog Description: OSI reference model, Internet and TCP/IP. Application layer protocols: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, and DNS. Socket programming, transport layer services, flow and congestion control, network layer and IP protocol, addressing, routing, data link layer protocols, local area networks.
Details The following lab experiments will be conducted in our new Computer Networks Lab: Single Segment IP Networks, Static Routing, Dynamic Routing Protocols (RIP, OSPF and BGP), LAN Switching, Transport Protocols (UDP and TCP), NAT and DHCP, The Domain Name System, SNMP, IP Multicast. CENG 362 is a one-semester introduction to computer networking theory, applications, and programming with a focus on the Internet and its applications. It covers networking topics beginning from the application-layer then going down the protocol stack (a top-down approach), allowing computer engineering students to quickly write networking applications while learning the theory and practice of computer networking. This is an advanced undergraduate course for mainly computer engineering students. It is an introductory computer networks course and serves as a pre-requisite for more advanced computer networking topics. It may also be taken by interested non-CENG students who have taken the pre-requisite courses (and its pre-requisites). Programming in Java is an important component of the course. Some educational multimedia materials, network programs and simulators will be also used to teach the networking fundamentals. There will be five written assignments, two programming assignments one midterm and a final exam.
This is the tentative schedule. Please check it once before the lecture. Required
Tools and Development Environments
Ethereal Documentation Etheral-Users, problems and solutions Idiot's Guide to Network Analysis Capturing packets using Ethereal and information about ARP.
Grading (Tentative) 25 % : Final Exam (a comprehensive exam at the end of the course) Lab Grading: Each Lab Grade = 20 % Pre Lab Report (must be prepared individually) + 80 % Lab Report (team report) Final Lab Grade = 70 % Lab Grades Average + 30 % Lab Exam Attendance: Attendance is important in order to learn the topics in a timely manner. Attendance will be forced by taking attendance. Homework: There will be homework in every 2 or 3 weeks. The purpose of the homework is to give you a chance to exercise the knowledge gained from the recent class material. Midterm Exam: There will be 2 midterm exams. Final Exam: There will be one final exam that will be given during final exams period of the semester. Makeup Exam: Depending on the need (for officially reported or extraordinary cases) I may make a makeup exam. But I should warn you that makeup exam will be much more difficult than the other exams in order to provide fairness for students who work on time and take the exam on time, and discourage students from unnecessarily omitting the exams. We will be very careful in grading the projects, homeworks, exams so that everybody gets the grade that he/she deserves. Copying will not be tolerated and will be checked and punished rigorously. The Fatih University has a very strict policy on academic dishonesty. All work on homeworks and examinations must be strictly individual. Violations of this policy will result in an F grade for the class and may result in suspension/expulsion from the university. You must do all of the homework assignments for grading individually (and the exams, of course). In preparing the solutions for assignments, you may consult with other students, the teaching assistants and myself regarding the general method of solutions. However, the final submission handed in for grading must be your own work. Copying the solutions of others is expressly forbidden. Allowing others to copy your solutions is expressly forbidden. Penalties for violation of this will range from a grade of zero on the assignment, a reduced grade for the semester, to a grade of F for the course, and a letter to the Office of the Dean.
This site was last updated 01/29/08