Lecture Announcements
You have the final exam on
Monday, 19 January 2004,
at 9:30.
You are responsible from all
topics covered in this course.
The exam has two parts.
The first part is the closed part, no notes and books. The second
part is an open book and
notes exam. |
You can download the
solutions of the 4th
homework assignment from
I'll try to announce your
second exam results on Sunday before the final exam.
This is the partial rush
solutions of the second midterm exam. There may be some mistakes and
missing parts, I'll try to post the complete solutions soon.
You have the second midterm exam on
5 January 2004.
It is an open book and
notes exam. |
You are responsible from the
following chapters of the course text book:
Introduction to 80x86 Assembly
Language and Computer Architecture: Chapters 1-6.
You TA will announce the
solutions of the third homework today, please see him.
HW4: Chapter
Programming Exercises
6.3.1 - 6.3.4 (4 exercises) |
Deadline for homework submission:
January 2003, Friday. |
This is a 2-member group assignment but
if you do the assignment by yourself, you will get extra 10 points.
HW3: Chapter
Programming Exercises 5.3.3 (p. 170), 5.3.5 (p. 172), 5.5.1 (p.
186), 5.5.3 (p. 188).
Chapter 6: Programming Exercises 6.2.1 (p. 211) and 6.2.2 (p.
212). |
Deadline for homework submission:
December 2003, Friday. |
This is a 2-member group assignment but
if you do the assignment by yourself, you will get extra 10 points.
You can download the midterm
solutions from here.
The midterm was postponed by all
students taking this course today. |
Your first midterm
date: 8
December 2003, Monday. |
The second midterm
date: 5
January 2004, Monday. |
These dates are final, and will
not change. |
The makeup lecture: 3
December 2003, Wednesday, 14:00-17:00. If you miss this course, you
know the results as you signed in the agreement form! |
Please look at the
grading of this course and adjust
your next studies according
this last modification. You will be given 2-3
more homework assignments in December. Try to fill your information gaps
in Bayram if possible.
You can download the second
homework solutions from here.
You have a midterm exam on 17
November 2003, Monday. It is a closed book and notes exam. |
You are responsible from the
following chapters of
the course text books:
My book: Chapter 2 and 3, and some selected topics from chp 4, 6, 7, 8.
Introduction to 80x86 Assembly
Language and Computer Architecture: Chapters 1-4. |
You can get the first homework
solutions from the photocopy center.
Do the following exercises from Introduction to 80x86 Assembly
Language and Computer Architecture, Richard C. Detmer:
4: Exercises 4.1 (page
94): All 7 questions.
Programming Exercises 4.2 (page 107): 1 and 2. |
Deadline for homework submission:
5 November 2003, Wednesday. The late homeworks will not be
accepted. |
The information about what
and how you will submit will be announced by
your assistant Engin Tozal.
You will take your first quiz
on this Monday, October 13, 2003, in the first hour. After the quiz
we will look at the solutions. |
The questions will be asked from chapters 2 and 3. |
Please bring your photocopy
notes (Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture)
to the class. If you have not taken these notes, see your assistant Engin
Tozal soon. He has a limited number of photocopy notes. |
I will introduce 80x86 assembly
programming tools today, you will need photocopy notes!
Do the following 12 problems from my book:
Chapter 2: 2, 3, 6, 8, 9. Chapter 3: 2, 9, 12, 13, 15,
16, 17. |
Deadline for homework submission: 17
October 2003, Friday. The late homeworks will not be
accepted. |
You can download the CD given in the course text book from here
for only one week limited time
duration. |
After you install the programs, start writing
simple x86 assembly programs soon. Otherwise it might be difficult
to follow the lectures in the class.
Before your first assembly programming
assignment, you should have finished the basics presented in
the first two lectures. That is the components of a microprocessor based system,
memory basics and memory system design, microprocessor architecture
and its operations, the execution of basic instructions LDA, STA, IN
and OUT. |
Always remember the academic integrity
for this and other courses.
We will be very careful in grading
the projects, homeworks, exams so that everybody gets the grade that
he/she deserves. Copying will not be tolerated and will be checked
and punished rigorously.
The Fatih University has
a very strict policy on academic dishonesty. All work on homeworks
and examinations must be strictly individual. Violations of this
policy will result in an F grade for the class and may result in
suspension/expulsion from the university.
If you
cheat, you hurt yourself and your personal integrity !
We have a limited number of one of
the course text books: Mikroişlemciler ve Bilgisayarlar. If you want to buy
it see your assistant Engin Tozal.
Welcome to CENG 321 Computer Architecture!
In this course you will learn the ISA level computer architecture using the
assembly language of Intel x86 microprocessor family. We will also look at
the components of microprocessor-based systems and the main hardware
features of Intel x86 microprocessor family.
Course Materials
(Lecture Slides, Readings,
Programs, Technical Documents)
Lecture Slides
Purpose: To allow better concentration in lecture by reducing
note-taking pressure and to provide a study-aid before (unfortunately
not this year) and after lecture.
Disclaimers: (a) I may not follow these slides exactly in class. (b) Students are responsible
for what I say in class. (c) Reading these slides is
not a substitute for attending lecture.
Date |
Material |
Topics Covered |
22/9 |
Lecture 1 |
Course Overview,
Review of Microprocessor Based Systems (1): Memory Basics and Memory System
Design |
29/9 |
Lecture 2 |
Review of
Microprocessor Based Systems (2): Microprocessor Architecture and Operation |
6/10 |
3 |
Introduction to Intel 80x86 Architecture:
External Architecture of 8088/8086, Internal Architecture, Memory
Architecture, I/O Operations |
20/10 |
Lecture 4 |
Elements of
Assembly Language Programming:
Assembly Language Statements, How to Assembly,
Link, and Run a Program, Where are the
Operands?: An Introduction to Addressing Modes |
27/10 |
Lecture 5 |
Addressing Modes: 32-Bit and 16-Bit Addressing, Simple
Addressing Modes, Direct Addressing Mode, Register Indirect Addressing Mode, Based
and Indexed Addressing Modes, Based-Indexed
Addressing Mode |
27/10 |
Lecture 6 |
Basic Instructions: Data Transfer
Instructions, Integer Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction of Larger Numbers |
1/12 |
7 |
Branching and Looping:
Unconditional Jumps, Conditional Jumps, Compare
Instructions and If Structures, Implementing Loop
Structures, For Loops in Assembly Language,
Arrays |
15/12 |
8 |
The 80x86 Stack, Procedure Body, Call and Return, Parameters and Local
Recursion, Other Architectures: Procedures without
a Stack. |
Technical Documents
Date |
Material |
22/9 |
Intel Manual |
Architecture Software Developer’s
Manual, Volume 2:
Instruction Set Reference, 1999. (Warning --- 6 Mbytes!!!)
Homeworks, Exams and Solutions