Gediz University, Computer Engineering
Fall Semester
09:30 - 12:15, Lab: 13:30 - 15:15 |
Instructor: Halûk
Gümüşkaya |
Teaching Assistant:
İbrahim Çakırlar |
D 107 |
D 216 |
Office Hours:
... |
Office Hours:
.... |
e-mail: haluk@gumuskaya.com |
e-mail: icakirlar@gmail.com |
Static Information: |
Dynamic Information: |
Academic Integrity |
Course Description
Basic computer literacy: Terminology, computer, components and operation.
Fundamentals of computer programming: top-down structured design, sequence,
decision, repetition, syntax, basic data types, program compilation,
debugging. Structured program development, program control structures,
functions, arrays, pointers, characters and strings, formatted input/output,
structures, unions, bit manipulations and enumerations, file processing.
Introduction to program development and simple algorithms using structured
programming techniques.
main objectives of this course are to develop basic programming skills
and to apply them
in the C programming language.
Lecture Schedule
This is the
weekly schedule. Please
check it once before the lecture.
Main Textbook
 | Game Programming All in One,
2nd Ed., J. S. Harbour, Thomson Course Technology, 2004. (for
the Allegro project). |
 | Problem Solving and Program
Design in C, 6th
Edition, J. R. Hanly, E. B. Koffman, Pearson, 2010. |
The C Programming Language,
2nd Edition,
B. W. Kernighan, D. M. Ritchie, Prentice Hall, 1988. This is a very good, concise book that is written by the designers of the C
programming language. Must have book for people who are interested in
serious C programming. |
The C Programming Language Book Home Page at Bell Labs,
Brian W.
Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, Prentice-Hall.
Answers to The C Programming
Language Exercises |
Tools and Development Environments
The grade
for COM
101 is calculated
30 % :
Lab Assignments
20 % : Project
20 % : Midterm
(near the middle of the course)
30 % : Final Exam (a
comprehensive exam at the end of the course)
You will start to develop your first exciting programming project in C using
the Allegro library after the first midterm exam. You will be also
introduced with team work for program development which is a very
important activity and skill for real professional life in this project. That
is you will develop this project with your project team. Another important
activity is to learn how to use programming libraries developed by
others. You will also start to design and use some simple data structures
and develop some simple algorithms.
Dates and times will be announced on the web and in
class. All main exams will be generally open textbook only (no other books or notes.)
will be a single makeup exam that may be taken only by those who missed an
exam due to documented medical reasons.
Integrity and Implicit Student Agreement
Attendance in all labs & classes is
mandatory. Students are expected to work individually unless otherwise
directed. Plagiarism will result in an automatic F grade for the course.