Software Engineering in General
Object-Oriented Software Engineering:
Conquering Complex and Changing Systems, Using UML, Patterns, and Java,
Bruegge and Allen H. Dutoit, Prentice-Hall, 2004.
Many SE books tell you about SE (eg., Sommerville). Those kinds of books
will hardly impart any skill and will not make you a
better software engineer, only more informed. In contrast, this book
tells you how to do software engineering. They tell you what,
Bruegge shows you how. Rather than cover all the concepts in SE,
Bruegge picks the most essential ones, gives you a brief but thorough
explication of those and then proceeds to teach how they are used.
Practical Software Engineering:
A Case Study Approach,
L. Maciaszek, B. L. Liong, Addison Wesley, 864 pages, 2004.
Object-Oriented Software Engineering:
Conquering Complex and Changing Systems, Using UML, Patterns, and Java,
Bruegge and
Allen H. Dutoit, Prentice-Hall, 2004. |
Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Practical Software Development
Using UML And Java,
Timothy C. Lethbridge,
Robert Laganiere,
2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2004, ISBN: 0077109082.
Software Engineering
(7th Edition),
Ian Sommervile,
Addison Wesley, 784 pages, 2004. |
Professional Software Development:
Shorter Schedules, Better Projects, Superior Products, Enhanced Careers,
Steve McConnel, Addison-Wesley, 2003. |
Rapid Development:
Taming Wild Software Schedules,
Steve McConnell, This is a big book, full of
practices for software development. Very
thought-provoking - but be sure you need all the mechanisms he
recommends. It would be good to have everything here in
your bag of tricks, but pull it out only when it's really needed!
Software Project Survival
Guide, Steve McConnell, Here Steve is telling new leads
everything he thinks they should know about surviving their first
project lead situation. There's a lot of good material here,
but be warned: Steve is getting into Big Methodology in this one.
Software Development Processes
Main XP Sources:
Extreme Programming
Explained: Embrace Change,
Kent Beck, The first official XP
book, Kent's own manifesto explaining the thought and history behind
the XP discipline. |
Planning Extreme Programming,
Kent Beck, Martin Fowler, The
planning and management process of XP. |
Extreme Programming Installed,
Ron Jeffries, Ann Anderson, Chet Hendrickson Modesty limits what we can say here.
Unquestionably, however, this is the finest book so far by these
three authors. XP Installed addresses the practical issues of
running an XP project. Highly recommended, of course.
Adaptive Software Development,
James A Highsmith III
Is your project just too big or too
complex for XP? Check out Jim's excellent book on how to bring lighter
methods to large and complex projects. |
Debugging the Development Process: Practical
Strategies for Staying Focused, Hitting Ship Dates, and Building Solid
Teams, Steve Maguire, It's
divided into sections by project phases, and has short writeups on key
topics. Good advice on spotting and dealing with trouble.
Project Management
Software Requirements
Software Requirements, Karl Wiegers,
2nd Edition, Microsoft Press, 2003. |
Design Patterns and Software Design
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented
Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides,
This is the famous "Gang of Four"
book, covering 23 of the key design patterns of object-oriented
programming. |
Core J2EE Patterns:
Best Practices and Design Strategies, Second Edition, D. Alur, J.
Crupi, D. Malks, Pearson Education, 650 pages, 2003. |
Analysis Patterns:
Reusable Object Models, Martin
Fowler, This is Martin's excellent book
describing a large number of analysis patterns from business.
Software Construction
Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction,
2d Ed, Steve McConnel, Microsoft Press, 960 pages, June 2004.
Refactoring: Improving
the Design of Existing Code,
Martin Fowler, The Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series, Refactoring is a core element of
XP. Keeping your code clean at all times means that
as you learn what you really need, the code will be ready to go that
way. This book is a wonderful introduction to the subject, and includes
a catalog of over 70 refactorings, each one of which can make your
program better. |
Writing Solid Code:
Microsoft's Techniques for Developing Bug-Free C Programs,
Steve Maguire, This is a C-oriented book. I liked reading the stories of
how they did it at Microsoft, since the 'softies have produced a lot of
successful code in their attempts to rule the world. If you have
to do C, check this one out. |
Lessons Learned in Software Testing,
Cem Kaner, James Bach, Bret Pettichord, Paperback: 352 pages, John Wiley
& Sons, 1st edition, 2001. |
 | Testing Object-Oriented Systems:
Models, Patterns, and Tools (The Addison-Wesley Object Technology
Series), Robert V. Binder, 1248 pages, Addison-Wesley Pub Co; 1st
edition, 1999. |